Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

"Oh, by the way Ash, thanks."

Ashley tilted his head to the side, looking at me curiously as we headed away from school, Juliet and Jack in tow. I'd almost forgotten that Jack was with me all week; he'd reminded me when he saw me first thing.

"For what?" Ashley asked, slightly confused.

"The cats," I said, realisation crossing Ashley's face. "Means a lot to me man."

Ashley just waved a hand to dismiss it, a smile on his face.

"Not a problem Ando," he said cheerfully. "Everyone pitched in; not just me."

"Yeah, well Juliet said it was your idea," I said, Ashley just shrugging happily. "So I'm thanking you."

"It's cool. No need to thank me man."

I just gave him a smile as we continued walking, turning down our street after a bit of a walk. Ashley gave the three of us a wave as he went up to his door and we went two houses down to my place.

"Catcha tomorrow Andy," Ashley called as he unlocked his door and went inside.

I just shook my head and opened the door, as it was unlocked. Jack closed it after he was inside and followed Juliet and I upstairs to my room.

"I'll have to figure out where you're gonna sleep," I said to Jack as I put my things near my desk. "We've got family over at the moment."

Jack just gave an understanding nod and both him and Juliet watched as I looked at everything that was on my desk.

"He move anything?" Juliet asked as I went over to my bathroom.

"It doesn't look like he's touched my desk," I said as I looked around my bathroom in case Jason'd gone through here. "I don't think he's gone through my things yet."

I appeared in the doorway and saw Jack and Juliet both looking at me before Jack wrote something down. I looked to Juliet.

"Alright, let's go see who's still here."

She gave a nod, heading out of the room after me, Jack a few paces behind us as we went downstairs. I didn't see anyone in the kitchen, so we went over to the living room. Sure enough, Jason and Kayla were there, both of them still on their phones.

Jason glanced up as I leant against the doorframe.

"Oh, you're home," he said with slight disappointment as his focus went back to his phone.

"Yeah," I said back. "Just making sure you guys're still here."

Jason scoffed, but didn't look at me.

"Well that's a first," he muttered.

"Just making sure you haven't trashed the place either," I said with a bit of annoyance.

"And why would I do that?" he asked back. He looked up, seeing Juliet and Jack. Jack was still writing a few things down. "Where's your goth friend? Replaced him with a nerd this afternoon?"

Jack looked up and shot Jason a scowl, making him smirk back. I looked between them both before focusing back on Jason.

"Give it a rest man," I said. "Just 'cause my friends aren't like the tools you call friends, doesn't give you a right to say shit about them."

Jason looked at me for a few seconds before looking back to his phone.

"I preferred the goth," was all he said.

I just shook my head again and looked to Juliet and Jack.

"Alright, c'mon," I said. "Let's leave these guys to 'emselves."

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