Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Andy's Point of View:

"Andy!" Mike called, getting my attention.

He came to a quick halt in front of me, nearly knocking into me.

"Whoa man, calm it," I said, seeing the excitement on his face. "What's up? You look like you could go for a marathon run. What's gotten you so excited? Either that or you've eaten a ton of sugar this morning."

Mike shook his head, still excited.

"You've gotta help me out man," he said as people gave him strange looks as they passed by.

I frowned. "With what?"

"You busy on Friday after school?" he rushed, clearly needing to get to his point.

"Not that I know of-."

"Awesome," Mike interrupted. "Alright, the shops are all open late on Friday, so we'll have time..."

"For what?" I asked, getting more confused with each word he said.

Mike looked at me for a few seconds before looking around in case someone was listening in. He looked back to me, keeping his voice down a bit.

"Alright man, you can't say anything to anyone; they'll find out on Saturday," he began. "And seeing as you can't make it on Saturday, I'mma tell you now so you can help me out after school on Friday, yeah?"

I gave a nod, indicating that I was keeping up. Mike nodded back and continued.

"Ok, well we got a call last night," he said, the excitement making itself known again. I nodded, still unsure as to what he was saying. "It was the institute that Vic's at, right? Well, they said he'll be coming home on Saturday!"

I looked at him in surprise, understanding now why he was so pumped up. I smiled.

"That's great man," I said, making Mike nod with excitement. "That's great to hear Mike."

He gave another excited nod.

"So, seeing as he's comin' home, I talked to mom and dad, and they agreed for me to get him somethin', 'cause I wanna," he continued, making me nod again. "So I wantcha to help me find it."

"Find what?" I asked.

Mike smiled. "You'll see when Friday comes around. Just don't tell anyone!"

He rushed off, leaving me just standing there and shaking my head slightly. I just sighed to myself.

"You alright there Andy?"

I turned around, Juliet smiling at me.

"Well good morning to you too," I said with a smile as she gave me a quick kiss.

She smiled in return, taking my hands and holding them.

"How're you this morning?" she asked, just looking at me as people continued to file past, heading wherever they were going.

I shrugged. "Alright I guess...Bit tired if I'm being honest. Why? How're you today? You feelin' any better?"

Juliet gave me a smile.

"I'm fine thanks," she said. "Yeah, better than yesterday and better now I've seen you."

I laughed, just seeing the smile staying on her face.

"Well that's great to hear sweetheart," I said with a smile. "I'm glad you feel ok."

She kept smiling and kissed me again, making me smile back as she broke away. I just watched as she let go of my right hand, watching as she turned over my wrist so it was face up. She looked back to me.

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