Chapter 61

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Chapter 61:

"How was church?" mom asked as I slammed the front door shut.

"The Lord can go fuck himself; that's how good it was."

I heard her sigh as I passed through the kitchen and headed towards the staircase. I heard the front door again and I knew Tiffany wasn't gonna be happy with me; mom was about to get lectured on my behaviour and attitude towards the pastor.

I just made sure I got upstairs and into my room quick enough that I didn't have to hear any more of it. I closed the door behind me and turned my music up a slight bit louder, putting both earphones in this time so I wouldn't be able to hear what was being said about me downstairs.

I just sighed and went over to my bed, lying down on it and closing my eyes, just listening to my music. With any luck, Tiffany would leave later on and I wouldn't have to put up with her any longer. I flinched as I felt one of the kittens walk over me. I opened my eyes again and saw Crow meowing at me, Femme walking over me to get to him.

I took one of my earphones out and sure enough, he was meowing at me as Femme sat down next to him.

"What?" I asked with a sigh as I felt my phone buzz. "What've I done this time?"

Crow just kept meowing at me and walked over my bed to my pillow, lying down next to me while Femme just stayed where she was and laid down there. I sighed and patted Crow, hearing him purr at me as I did so. My phone buzzed again and I sighed again, getting it from my pocket and checking to see who was messaging me.

Juliet: Hey, how'd it go?

I looked to Crow who lifted his head and looked back at me, meowing again.

"What should I tell her?" I asked as he put his head down again. "Should I tell her what actually happened, or lie to her?"

Crow just closed his eyes and didn't respond in any way. I just sighed and replied to Juliet.

Andy: Could've gone a heap better...I don't think Tiffany appreciated me expressing my opinion to the pastor...

I put my phone down and closed my eyes again, putting my earphone in again and trying to block out whatever was most likely going on downstairs. I felt my phone buzz again, making me open my eyes. Crow wasn't next to me anymore and I saw him jump over to my phone. I just took it from where it was, making him meow at me as I took it away from him.

Juliet: Aw, that sucks :( Wanna hang out then, seeing as you probably have nothing better to do now?

I smiled in amusement as I replied.

Andy: Sure :) Why not?

I put my phone down and Crow was immediately over to it. I just sighed and took it from him again, as he'd wreck the screen if he managed to get it.

"No Crow," I said with a sigh as he meowed at me and I closed my eyes again. "This' mine, not yours."

I just stayed where I was for a bit, finding myself dozing off.

I didn't know how long I'd been dozing off, but I jerked awake as I felt someone sit down on the edge of my bed. I took my earphones out, finding my music was still going as Juliet gave me a smile.

"Well hey there; didn't hear you come in," I said as I gave her a bit of a smile in return and put my iPod down next to me, still able to hear my music a bit.

"That's 'cause I just got here and your music's clearly too loud," she said, reaching over me to take my iPod. "I can still hear it."

"It's not too loud," I said defensively as I watched her try to unlock it to stop my music. "You just don't listen to it on a decent volume."

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