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     The second the address appeared Lana glanced upward, her mouth pursed but slightly opened and loose

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     The second the address appeared Lana glanced upward, her mouth pursed but slightly opened and loose. Her eyes were fixed as if she was looking at something a yard behind her phone. She really didn't want to go, but there was a small part of her that desperately needed to unwind. She blinked and refocused on the screen before finally smiling and arranging an Uber pickup. Shortly afterward, she texted her boyfriend, letting him know that she was going out and quickly put on a nice, Lacey pair of black thongs, a tight black dress that emphasizes her breast and tight ass. Then with little to no effort, fixed up her hair in a tight ponytail and headed out the door while applying her makeup.

     Since freshman year, Lana had become a bit of a pro on getting 'dolled up' in the last possible minute. This was all thanks to her roommate Marie who was somewhat of a social butterfly and tend to drag her along to almost all her outings. Not that she minds though. If it wasn't for Marie or Enzio, she wouldn't have much of a social life outside Seattle University. Her boyfriend Samuel was just like her, a homebody who would just want to binge-watch shows on Netflix or Hulu. Sex was seldom between them, this was because of his rigged tack practice and she didn't mind. She had the same hectic schedule with her track team, so she was just more tired, if not more than Samuel. In all honesty, she couldn't understand where she got the energy to attend these outings.

     About halfway down the hall, she stopped in front of a door and knocked "Enzio?", she knocked a little harder, "Enzio, are you in?", no answer. "He's probably working." She let out a small frown. She was hoping that he was in so that she could convince him to come so she wouldn't feel out of place. She even thought about calling him in the Uber, but the driver kept talking to her during the drive which to her surprise, wasn't that long. She was only seven miles from campus and practically in the center of the warehouse district. However, she was a bit perplexed on the building the car stopped in front of.

     It was a complete mess, to put it nicely. From the outside the boarded windows. The shabby masonry and the steel door that was guarded by two humongous men in three-piece suits that looked scary and threatening enough to keep the limited number of locals away. Lana was about to tell the Uber driver to keep going when Marie knocked on the window scaring her. She barely had time to process her fright as Marie opened the door, took her by the wrist and quickly pulled her out. "We need to hurry," Hannah complained in a way that made her feel unwanted, "The exhibition is about to start.

The Masked Emotions Redux: LingerWhere stories live. Discover now