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Akira Sahana had to become the man to take what he wanted. In the early nineties, he was just twenty-one years old when he graduated early from Tokyo University and received a basic salaryman position in a highly efficient advertising company near his apartment and quickly became one of their top earners. He poured everything into his work, keeping conversations to a minimal and only drink with his superiors when he absolutely had to. He only did this because he was afraid that someone might discover his sexual orientation. Being gay in Japan at this time was a frightful time for those who were career-oriented.

Akira did his best to act straight and narrow, but eventually, he let his guard down and let the wrong person in. It was one of the top sales reps of the company, Yukimura Hara. He was much older than Akira but had a real movie star handsomeness to him. He invited Akira for a few drinks to celebrate a large sale and he was reluctant at first, but he figured that he needed to unwind. They met up in a bar around the corner where Yukimura talked about his wife and two children ad nauseam all the while constantly giving refilling his drink and sending out mixed signals. "Do you have any children?" he asked, and Akira simply shook his head. "Children are a blessing, they're your legacy, living proof that you passed on your genetics." Yukimura's face saddened "I do it for my family, even though I have to deny who I am." He reached over and lightly stroked the top of Akira's hand. "You know what I'm talking about right?"

The next thing Akira knew, he was in a love hotel, they barely stepped through the door before they were all over one another. He slowly slid his hand up Yukimura's belly to his nipple where he traced its outline with the tip of his finger. He took a slight satisfaction watching his breathing increase. The man was a bottom that was for sure and that was all Akira cared about. They kissed briefly, but he knew Yukimura didn't want a long fuck session. No, he wanted to slam hard before he had to go home to his wife and kids and Akira happily obliged. He turned him around, forced him face down on the bed, where Yukimura already had his ass spread out for him to enter and shoved it in.

It was just sex and every thrust reflected that. He shoved in as deep as he could when he came, just so Yukimura could feel his seeds dripping out of him later during his ride back home. When he pulled out, he was hoping that Yukimura would at the very least, returned the favor, but the man pulled up his pants, gave him a deep, sloppy kiss, and left without saying a word. The following day, Yukimura outed him. Telling the coworkers that Akira made a pass at him and Yukimura politely turned him down.

His coworkers immediately began attacking him. They would glue carpet tacks on his seats. Urinate in his drinks and would belittle or degrade him in front of important clients. Yet despite how painful his life was, he still got up at the same time each morning, shoved himself into the same over-packed train to undergo the same ordeal daily for the next two years. He would try to find solace in the homosexual community, but many of them were like Yukimura. They were married, with children and all they wanted was sex, nothing else. It had a dire effect on his self-confidence.

One night he found himself in the middle of the Setagaya ward, contemplating about killing himself when he saw a large abandoned building where many businessmen were sneaking into to have gay sex and he envisioned his future. A few months later, Pandemonium was opened, and it became an instant success.

Akira would see his former coworkers entering his business to have sex with women, men, animals, people with weird deformities, as well as clothing for Lolita fantasies and Akira made sure that when it came to the people who ruined him, he recorded every session. As the years followed and his former co-workers climbed the corporate ladder, Akira would make an appearance to their offices, sometimes barging in without an appointment, demanding their time. Yukimura was the first of many. Akira took pleasure when they laughed and insulted him, there were a few who would recall how they tormented him like it was a fond memory. Akira simply smiled and show them his video collection, wiping those smug smiles from their faces. This brought immense pleasure to him as he used these videos, again and again, to force every one of them to invest in his newfound company. Sometimes he would even make them pleasure him sexually.

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