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Enzio and Lana

Bitterly cold and humid, that was the best way to describe the late spring/early summer nights in Seattle. This enchanting combination tends to create a lot of sleepless, sickly nights for the non-locals who would believe that Seattle should be warm all year round because it was on the West coast. A rather nasty rude awakening and would bitch and complain to anyone who would lend an ear, but to Lana, it was a sight to behold. The lustrous dancing stars glinting in the sky brightening it even more by the white gold full moon and accompanied by the city lights that always seemed to create a euphoric experience for her. Especially now considering that she was standing in the middle of the quad wearing one of Enzio's hoodies that properly concealed the collar and the leash ran down the right sleeve with him standing directly beside her, holding it, in which should be, in her mind, a unique experience for the two of them.

She looked at him, there was a kindness in his smile, a gentleness that she hasn't seen in a long time. The kind that connected with her soul. As if he was the sunshine that only radiated the best aspects of her, leaving her flaws entirely invisible to his gaze and she didn't realize until now, just how much she missed it. He cocked his neck with that smile as to silently telling her to start walking. Without thinking, she walked like someone who'd been in the armed service, there was a marching quality to it and he chuckled. "Just walk like you normally do," Instantly making her embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and he smiled.

"No need to apologize," he reaffirmed, "You're new at this."

"And you're not?" She asked, surprised at how calm he was acting.

"I already told you that I have done this with my... girlfriend." He answered, inadvertently causing her to lower her head.

"Did he do this with her?" she thought while her upper lips curled to keep herself from speaking. "What else did they do together?" Her mind began to imagine a faceless woman with a body of a goddess having her arms held behind her while Enzio was fucking her from behind while spanking her ass and she felt the jealousy slowly growing into her skin and filling her blood until her mouth became a straight line. "However, what we are doing right now is a first." When he said it caused her heart to instantly swell and the jealousy to quickly wither away. This made her happy to know that she had something over this mystery woman. However, that was short lived and her mind began to wander once again. "Enzio, can you be honest with me?" she stopped short and stared into his brown eyes. "How long have you been doing this? With your girlfriend that is."

"If we're being honest, if you added the years I researched, did the workshops and being an actual Dom, I say six years. Oh, and I do an average of over five hundred sessions a year, just in case you were wondering." Of course, he wouldn't tell her that. Instead he looked deep into her hazel eyes and lied, "for a while now."

"Could you define a while?"

"She's fishing, she wants to know how long I've been dating. Ok, I'll bite."

"A long while Lana." A half-truth, yet seeing the shock reaction on her face was somewhat satisfying. It made him wonder of all the times he gave her that same expression through the years. However, that satisfying feeling was short-lived and replaced with his insides curdled like milk. He didn't like himself at the moment, "Goose and ganders are not for everyone." A stupid saying his father used to tell him, but remained to be true. This wasn't him, it never really was. He didn't want to hurt her or to make her feel the way he used to. She was his sub, his slave and he needed to make her feel like the center of his world. However, they also needed to address the elephant in the room.

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