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The two of them could clearly see just how furious he was as he tried to comprehend what was going on. Enzio ran his hand through his hair twice in a quick session and looked at them in a stare that could have frozen the Pacific in the middle of a heatwave. He opened the fridge, staring at the contents momentarily, forgetting that he had a bottle of Corona inside that was left behind by Lana a week before she walked into the club. He thought about it before reaching in and grabbing the can of ginger ale beside it. He finished the can in three gulps and diverted his eyes back to them which made them instantly stand at attention. "Lana, do you have an extra bathing suit?" his voice sounded dark, brooding and it caused her heart to race as she nodded quickly. "You and Rachel are the same size." He opened the door, "the two of you put them on, now!" without saying a word they practically ran out the room and he slammed the door behind them.

Rachel followed Lana up the hall, looking like children who had been scolded by their parents. However, unlike Lana who was visibly nervous, she was already excited about what he might do. He hardly ever discipline her without his mask on, so to her, this was truly a special occasion. They entered the room and Lana told her to wait by the door, so she decided to look around, it was a rather typical dorm room. It was evident that the two inhabitants were complete opposites as she observed each side with mixed emotions running through her mind. Preppy and ghetto, night and day, a poster of DLG, beside a framed Wu-Tang clan vinyl on the left and posters of Lindsey Sterling, the Piano Guys, and 2 Cellos on the right. Her attention quickly wavered to the nightstand in the center that had a straight row of romance novels and framed pictures of Lana and a man who Rachel assumed was her boyfriend on the far edge. A picture of Enzio sticking out his tongue in the center, a photo booth strip of Lana and another young woman cheek to cheek, and finally, a picture of a young Lana and Enzio with their arms around one another that was closest to the bed.

Her eyes slowly wandered around, looking at the midsize fridge by the bathroom, a coffeemaker/microwave combo on top of it, two average size desks on the foot of the bed with a closed laptop, and a ceiling fan that looked like it hadn't been dusted in months. "Here," Lana spoke, tossing a one piece bathing suit at her. "The bathroom is over there." Rachel opened it, the bathing suit was black with red strips on the side, and cringed at it. "I'm wearing the same thing." She snapped and Rachel simply smiled at her and waltz into the bathroom.

As Lana got dressed, she began to think about the tone of Enzio's voice. Swearing to herself that he sounded like Dom 241 for a second there, but chuckled to herself on how ridiculous the idea would be. The bathroom door opened and swallowed hard as Rachel walked out. She was immaculate and filled out the bathing suit better than her. If she had to use a number scale, Rachel would be a perfect ten in comparison to her seven. No wonder Enzio never cared or wasn't possessive, why would he be when he had a woman like that? As if Rachel was reading her mind she smiled at her. "You have a beautiful body." She told her and that Southern accent kind of made it sound sweet and genuine. Lana thanked her, but she knew Rachel was being modest. Lana had an athletically build body that she toned and slave to form, but in comparison to Rachel, she felt inadequate in every way.

Ten minutes later, they entered Enzio's room; it was spotless and smelled of clean linen. His bed was shoved to the side and a small brown bag beside the bathroom door. He looked at them with judgmental eyes, but he was more focused on Lana's neck and she noticed that she had forgotten her collar, but before she could say anything, he grabbed her arm and forcefully stood her by the bathroom door. He didn't utter a word to her, didn't bothered looking at her and she felt ashamed for not wearing the collar, considering that she demanded a session. A rule that she now realized that she was broken.

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