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Akira sat behind his desk, still amazed at how Nadia was able to easily acquire twenty-eight percent of a company with a simple phone call and classic corporate espionage, and in less than a week, she was able to use those shares to gain access to the vast names of the board members of Dossey Pharmaceuticals and was using that new-found knowledge to try to dig as much more information so she could to gain more shares. He really didn't know this woman and yet he felt immensely proud that she was able to handle such feats on her own merit and so quickly. Akira knew far too well what the need for revenge felt like – like a rat gnawing away at your soul, burrowing relentlessly deeper and deeper until it begins to multiply and seep through your pores. It was because of revenge, he was able to amass his fortune. Revenge allowed him to find the closure he felt that was justified and even though that fire has never truly flickered away, it constantly smolders, eagerly waiting for the fuel to make it roar again.

He needed someone with that same kind of fire to help run his company. Corporate culture was cutthroat plain and simple and he knew that no matter how hard Juno would try, this type of job would destroy her and it was a life that he would never want her to have. He wanted her and Miko to eventually fall in love, get married, and just live a happy life away from this world where the competition was anything but friendly or civil. No, he needed someone who could see people within the corporate world for who they really were, predators and he knew by the way Nadia suddenly went from being a victim to predator at those people in the hotel lobby, he found the person with the right potential to be his protégé and so far, she was leaving quite an impression on him, however, when he asked her if she might be interested in working beside him, she just kindly ignored him, focused on her own task. He knew she meant no disrespect, she was driven and he just had to wait until she was ready.

Akira refocused his gaze onto his desk, staring at the magnitude of pictures of the possible Dom 241 candidates in comparison to the only known picture of the masked man. He took a black sharpie and carefully colored around each of their faces, leaving only the eyes visible. Kevin Rosario's body was too bulky and had too many wrinkles around the eyes. Maurice Taylor's skin tone was too dark also, he was too tall. Marcus Smith, although he had the proper body shape and size, his skin was too light. Akira then looked at the last picture. Enzio Salazar, Nadia's older brother, another coincidence, and Akira never believed in them. Even though everything matched, he slouches. During a casual conversation with Nadia, he was able to convince her to show her pictures of her family and there was a lot of her brother and in each one, they all been the same. He lacked confidence.

Akira was starting to think his little investigation was futile when Nadia entered his office, her bruises were almost non-visible now, but he knew the nightmares were getting worse. "I'm leaving," she rudely spoke, "I have to go back home." Akira took a deep inhale while gathering the pictures together and let out an annoyed exhaled while placing his hands on top of them.

"Is this because of my offer?" he asked and she smiled at him, it was the first time she showed him a different emotion and it was genuine.

"No," she sighed, "in fact, I'm on the fence about it, but right now I have more pressing matters to attend. I thank you for your hospitality Mr. Sahana, but I have to go." She turned to leave, but he quickly stood up.

"Nadia, I still want to help you with your trauma." She stopped short, "I could arrange for my private jet to take you to Seattle, but may I be so bold to ask you why you are in a rush to leave?" Nadia looked at him and although she wanted to tell him to back off, she knew he was genuine when he stated that he wanted to help and the past two weeks living in this life of luxury, it did help. She sighed and let out a half-smile before walking towards his desk and sat down.

The Masked Emotions Redux: LingerWhere stories live. Discover now