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Joslin Hanson sat behind her desk, going through the invite list for the Looking Glass latest event. At twenty-seven, she quickly became one of Seattle's most successful businesswomen. The Looking Glass was her baby, an S&M club that caters to the needs to nearly every fetish available, a club that was earning over three hundred thousand dollars a month. This was partly because of Enzio Salazar, Dom 241. He alone generated between six to ten thousand a night, designed all the rooms, wrote many of the rules, and the clients kept coming back for more, bringing in more people with them in the process.

Since the grand opening three years ago, the club practically skyrocketed, they came to see Dom 241, but they stayed because of how fun and relaxing the environment was and she knew eventually he would want to leave. Either to go independent or settle down, which was why she made sure his identity remained a secret, even to the staff. In their eyes, Enzio was just the mousey assistant manager. Enzio was different in comparison to the other young Dom's. They were bullies, borderline abusers, or just extremely inexperienced. Enzio on the other hand had the discipline, the patience, the knowledge, and despite his age, he was already considered to be the best among his peers.

He made history when he was invited to join the Master's Society in his third month as an official Dom. This was partly because of her. When she met him that night, she knew he was special. He had raw talent and with the proper guidance, he could be a living legend. In this short time, he had Master's and Dom's from all over the world fighting one another for a seat whenever he taught a workshop as well as the clients who would pay almost anything to spend a small amount of time with him. He was the best, and yet, he was the one man she couldn't read.

When he was not wearing the mask, he was timid, soft-spoken, a bit apologetic, and a hopeless romantic. But when that mask was on it was the opposite. Bold, confident, unapologetic, and passionate. Luckily for her, both versions were a beast in bed. Sadly, he was also distant, almost as if there was a wall around his heart, a wall that took her three years to crack. He was afraid to love, afraid to let someone in, and whomever the woman responsible was, may she never cross her path.

Joslin was overprotective when it came to Enzio and it wasn't because he was the only man she ever been with. No, when she met him, there was a connection that she only felt with Rachel. It was a spark that ignited a flame that she never knew existed and when they talked, it was about management concepts, marketing schemes, and realistic goals. Not exactly topics for sexual foreplay, but she found him enthralling. He seemed to know a little bit about everything and he challenged her mentally. Being around him was intellectually intoxicating and it made her forget how young he was at the time and as the years went by, she realized that she could be in love with two people at once.

She looked over to the right and picked up a folder for a possible second location in New York City, but then plopped it back down. "We're not ready yet. The business is still too young." As much as she truly wanted to, she had no one to run it and the last thing she needed was to stretch out the staff, so she could make more money. She made enough money to last several lifetimes. No, the Looking Glass was an experience, not a place to get your rocks off at will. If she was going to open a second location, she needed to make sure that she was comfortable enough to do so.

It was at that moment her office door swung open and Enzio stormed in. She had no clue what was wrong. He was breathing heavily, his skin flushed, but before she could ask him anything. He took her, raised her out of her seat, and slammed her on top of the desk. As her mind began to process what was happening, he has already violently torn her top off and began biting her nipples before tilting his head up and kissed her passionately. Joslin had gotten lost by the way his tongue moved inside her mouth. Enzio was one of the best kissers she ever had in comparison to Rachel, but this felt different. She couldn't place her finger on it, but 'he' was somehow different.

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