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Lana impatiently sat outside the Stump Town Coffee and Café, taking tiny sips of her expensive mocha latte that she was forced to buy, wondering where exactly Enzio had disappeared to. For over three weeks, Enzio has been her Master, balancing his time with her and his mysterious girlfriend and she tried to steal his time like she used to whenever he was seeing someone, but this was different. He was different. Yet that didn't stop her from at least trying at the beginning of their new "relationship".

It was literally the following day. She couldn't stop thinking how liberating it was walking around campus with the collar on. However, he told her that he was going to see his girlfriend in the morning so sure enough, she was there practically bright and early in the morning, knocking on his door like a desperate salesman. She was wearing a floral pattern dress that he often complimented her whenever she wore it while holding her purse tightly in her hands and when he opened the door, she looked timidly at him. "Hello, Dom or Master, I haven't yet decided what to use." She said in a low voice, but he said nothing. He simply looked at her inquiringly with his right eyebrow slightly raised. She expected him to open the door and let her come in, but instead, he just stood there. She lowered her head, "I wanted to see you."

He nodded slightly, "And?"

She answered by looking around first, making sure no one was in the hallway before opening her purse and taking out the collar. She carefully put it on and looked back at him. "Tell me." He calmly spoke. She blushed and looked down.

"You know," she muttered.

"I want to hear you say it."

Still looking down, she said, "I want you to..."

"Look at me."

She kept her face down but raised her eyes to meet his and spoke in a near-whisper. "I want you to... tell me what to do..." she waited for him to reply and he continued to look at her, not saying a single word, so she continued. "I want you to do something like what we did last night." He looked at her in silence but clenched his jaw. She didn't know what else to say. She started to speak a couple of times, stammered, and fell silent. He appeared to be annoyed and she was trying to figure out what she was doing wrong.

He leaned down and gently took one of her hands while lying the other along the side of her face, slowly stroking her cheek. For Lana, it was very intimate, but he was emotionless. He pulled her close "Lana, first of all, I told you last night that I have somewhere to be in the morning," he calmly stated, "and second, if you had read the contract correctly, then you would've known that requesting a scene was forbidden and it is an action that will result in a punishment." She looked at him and tossed out a carefree smile.

"Really?" she said in disbelief, "You would actually, punish me?" there was a smugness to her voice, already figuring that there was no way in hell that he would do any of that sort. But he looked at her with a hard-cold stare, placed his hands on her shoulders, and pushed her down until she was on her hands and knees. Lana was surprised by this, even more so that she let him do it. He smiled at her, gently rubbed her forehead with his thumb before turning around and walked into his room, leaving the door wide open. He walked into the middle of the room and faced her. She tried to stand up, but he cleared his throat and she stopped. He wasn't saying another word and as embarrassing as it felt, she began crawling into the room.

"Close the door behind you." She turned and did as she was told before continuing to crawl towards him. She felt so humiliated, but at the same time, invigorated. Watching Enzio standing over her with this towering stare was making her heart flutter and unwillingly, made her pussy wet. It was a feeling that she didn't get too often when she was around him, but ever since that day when he made her model that outfit for him. It has been a constant feeling whenever he was near her and that alone scared her because she knew that she would somehow fuck it up.

The Masked Emotions Redux: LingerWhere stories live. Discover now