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Joslin stepped forward and touched Enzio's arm lightly. He turned and gave her a small fake smile, his eyes were watery, his breathing, erratic. "Are you sure you want to be here today?" she asked as he took a step away from her.

"I'm okay." He lied "I just... not even a few hours ago I told myself that I accepted my place, you know. I have made peace with it." He calmly spoke. "I even had sex." That comment caused her to pout, but he was too conflicted to notice. He covered his mouth with his hands, trying his best not to look at her. "I knew she was using me and I was using her and like a fucking idiot..." he stopped short and stared into blue eyes. She was about to ask him if he was alright when he kissed her and it was a kiss she didn't want to return, emotionless and it hurt her. She watched him walked away, she knew that Enzio was a professional and she saw him in worst conditions before and, in the end, he would always place his game face on.

He was always vague about his personal life. Wanting to keep his daily life separated from his secret one, but she knew enough. She knew about his sister, his parents, she knew about his fear of loneliness and she clearly understood now why he had such a high wall around his heart. She wanted to hold him, tell him that everything was going to be just fine, but she knew it was going to fall on deaf ears, she knew that Enzio needed to come to terms with it on his own and when he does, she'll be there waiting with open arms.


As she waited in the room, Marie couldn't believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her anticipation. "I can't believe I get to see him", she thought. At first, when Marie got back to her Dorm from her dreadful summer vacation, she knocked on Enzio's door, wanting to apologize for not calling him at all this summer and tell him that she deeply liked him and how she didn't care that he had a girlfriend, she wanted to still be with him in some shape or form. But he wasn't home. She thought about texting it to him, but she figured that something like this was best to be said.

She then needed to clear off her head and thought she could have a long-awaited girl's night out, but instead, she got to see Lana packing her suitcase, making their reunion very short-lived. She seemed quite upset. Marie asked if everything was alright and she told her that she needed to go to Austin that she needed to confirm something "Did that fucker cheat on you?" she snapped, Lana shook her head "then what is it?" Lana looked at her, she wanted to tell Marie everything, but instead, she lied, told her that she needed to get away for a while and clear her head. Which was something Marie didn't want to hear.

"Did you tell Enzio how you feel?" she saw Lana's eyes watered and her lips began to tremble. Lana looked at the text message Enzio left her, it was sweet, kind, and straight to the point. Making it very clear that they only have a Dom/Sub relationship and nothing else. Despite coming to terms with the new level of friendship they now have, she was both disappointed and actually looking forward to their future session. At least in her own sick way, this was something just for the two of them, it was an escape where they could be with each other and even though it would never lead to sex or even a relationship, Lana was okay with it, just as long as she could be around Enzio. "It's complicated," she choked as she picked up her gym bag, then a black envelope. "Here, I don't want this. Consider it a welcome home gift." And as the door closed, Marie opened the envelope and gasped.


William Knight was on the back porch as his son finally left the pool house after his panic attack. He tossed out a look and without saying a word his son responded by walking towards him and sat beside him. "Dad." He sighed "I'm sorry. I know I keep saying it, but I am. I fucked up." William looked at his son, he could see that he had been conflicted with his emotions, but he was still angry with him.

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