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Nadia had always preferred a life of solitude. Even growing up in a loving, supporting household; she would feel a bit out of place and would just keep to herself, locked in her room, enjoying her little world and not dealing with the annoyance of daily life. She wasn't too keen on hanging out or too big on parties or even being popular, but that was the type of person she was. Stuff like that was trivial to her and somehow, she was popular, she was invited to every party, and her friends forced her to hang out. It was truly annoying.

Her parents were always proud of her. Who would imagine that when they came to the mainland from Puerto Rico twenty-three years ago with only six thousand dollars to their name would have a business, a house, and two kids in college? Her brother was especially proud of her, even though she spent a good chunk of her adolescence taking care of him thanks to his closet drinking problem. Yet, despite the opportunities he had created for himself, he always made sure that she had a better opportunity than him.

Since she was young, Nadia always wanted to be a lawyer. She would spend hours setting up her bedroom to look like a mock courtroom and would try to make Barbie confess to murdering Ken due to his affair with Skipper. Her parents wanted her to find a nice boy, with a good job, a good family, and make babies. Her bother, however, always supported her dreams and would take her at least once a week to see actual cases in a local courthouse or sat beside her watching murder cases on television, asking her what would be her arguments of the case. Her parents thought it was odd that he bought her law books for her birthday and Christmas, but to her, they were the best gifts she had ever gotten.

Her path to becoming a lawyer began with a solid start. Her college bills were taken care of thanks to a local scholarship that her brother applied for her. She was amazed that she aced her classes in her first year, but was able to get a prestigious internship at the Knight Law firm halfway into her second. This was all made possible thanks to Samuel Knight, who actually sought her out and personally gave her the internship. She felt blessed by and even developed a little crush on the Southerner.

During her first few weeks within the firm, she truly learned a lot. From assisting in handling high profile clients to viewing a payout negotiation, she was absorbing everything like a sponge. Even Samuel's father was amazed at how she worked and even offered her a job once she graduates and passed the bar. She felt like her life couldn't get any better. On top of that, she discovered that the attorney's love to party almost every night, she truly felt blessed.

One morning, out of the blue, Samuel Knight invited her to come over to his pool house to get to know one another. Many people within the firm were surprised by this, considering he never showed interest to any woman within the firm before. She was hesitant at first, be she found him to be extremely attractive. He was ruggedly handsome, with a strong tight body and that accent just make her melt.

She arrived a few minutes early. She was wearing a black baby doll dress, wore her hair down, and had on a pair of basic black flats. Her heart was beating a mile a minute when she rang the doorbell. She figured this was it. If he made a move, she wouldn't stop him. She was about to be twenty years old and it was about time she lost her virginity. He greeted her and casually escorted her to the living room that overlooked the Olympic size pool. She sat down as he handed her a glass a wine. She didn't want to seem rude so she gulped it in one shot. Soon they began talking about the firm and what she wanted to focus on when she suddenly felt dizzy. She tried standing up, her words slurring and he looked genuinely concerned. She tried to walk, but her head felt light and then everything suddenly went black.

When she woke up, she was naked in a strange bed. Her throat was sore, her vagina and anus were throbbing in pain with semen oozing out. She looked around the bed and cringed at the stench of stale piss coming from her hair. Her body was weak, but she still tried to pull herself off the bed only to end up falling face-first on the floor. She laid there, wanting so desperately to scream, but it hurt so much just to swallow. She couldn't remember everything that happened, just random flashes that kept playing in her head. She could hear muffled screaming coming from downstairs, and she just laid there, her mind still trying to come to terms with what happened to her. She could still feel the coarse whisky tongue on her skin. The stubby fingers that were shoved inside her and the salt of tears. She closed her eyes and a flash of a man appeared. He was smacking her face over and over, demanding her to look like she was enjoying it as his face lit up with power and lust. She could hear the laughter of the others while her head lolled like a doll. She could feel one of them forcefully opening her mouth and shoving something inside. It went in deep and it hurt, it hurt so much.

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