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Three Weeks Later...

Enzio Salazar woke up from his nap, still reliving each moment of that evening. He still couldn't believe how he had lost himself in the moment, where he broke protocol when he used her real name when he neglected to talk to her about her boundaries when he threatened her social life and forced his will without her permission. It was a move that he knew was idiotic, a common mistake a first-timer would have made. It would've ruined him and yet, she completely embraced it. By making it personal, she utterly submitted to him, and in return, he lost himself as well.

He thought about the way she kneeled on the floor; her wrists cuffed behind her back. Her head bowed as instructed while she whimpers in anticipation of what would happen. He simply watched her fight her own submission. A tendril of saliva leaked from the corner of her mouth and pools on the floor. He remained quiet while watching her struggle through the embarrassment. He stared at his partially dried hands, her scent was addictive, her taste – savory. Her soft lips felt like pillows, her moans sounded like a symphony. His eyes slowly traced the shape of her perfectly round, lightly bruised ass before focusing on her the thick juices flowing down her inner thighs. "My, my Lana. You should see the mess you are making on the floor." His voice startled her when he finally spoke.

Another whimper escaped her throat, but this one was thick with lust as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head up, another thing he wasn't supposed to do to a vanilla girl. Yet he didn't care. All the times she denied him, all the feelings he locked away, all the times she toyed with his emotions just came flooding out. Despite the years he has been doing this, not once he has ever felt like this. So, enthralled with ecstasy, so careless, so stupid and she just let him do it. It took nearly two hours for the high of finally having her to go away for him to act in the same level of professionalism as any other client and even then, it was extremely difficult.

Her moans, the incoherent whimpering, the tears of humiliation from being degraded and it only excited her more, she was a true submissive. He nearly lost himself when she begged him to fucked her during the second hour. When she pleaded to suck his cock for a little while towards the end of the fourth and even though it was only words that were said to him before by hundreds of women. She was saying them. They were words he always wanted to hear from her. Sadly, she wasn't saying them to him per se. No, she was saying them to a man in a mask, a stranger she just met and was what fully brought him back to reality.

This was Lana Matthews. The woman he once thought to be the love of his life, his best friend, and he was starting to feel sick for taking advantage of her. So, he resumed his scene in the same calculated, emotionless manner and that brought him back to his comfort zone. He finished his scene thirty minutes early, took off her bindings, gave her a soft kiss on her forehead when he finished his aftercare. However, he didn't walk away. Maybe it was the lust in her eyes, the way she was breathing, or perhaps it was the way her skin glowed. Whatever it was, for a moment, he remembered what if felt like to love her again and it only reminded him of just how weak he used to be and apparently still is.

Enzio knew Lana Matthews ever since the second grade, of course, if you asked Lana, she would tell people that it was earlier than that. They were close, almost inseparable, but like all friendship it began to fickle when feelings came to play, especially when those feelings were ignored, however, they were pretty much joined at the hip, and as soon as they got into high school, it all fell apart. She instantly inserted herself with the popular crowd, became the captain of the track team, dated a few of the popular boys before becoming steady with the captain of the baseball team. Meanwhile, he fell into the outcasts. He would often get bullied from time to time, but those were always short-lived. People always saw his timid demeanor as weakness, this was his father's fault. His father was always a fighter and he went to prison because it was hard for tough people to walk away and he did not want his son to be a 'tough guy' like him, but he also didn't want him to be a pushover either. So, his father would exercise his brain as well as his body.

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