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Enzio kicked the door open; upon entering he gave the woman a passive look. He wasn't supposed to work tonight, but he needed to gain some kind of control after his sister's brash comments, as always, she went straight for the jugular and knew she was somewhat right, especially after Lana pulled away. For several weeks he had been ignoring his intercourse, optional clients, even avoiding Rachel's advancements because he felt he was cheating on a person he couldn't have.

He stormed into the club with his mask on, breathing heavily, tearing apart his shirt in a fit of rage, surprising all of the employees. Even ignoring Joslin when she tried to talk to him, but she saw that he didn't want to talk, and as much as she wanted to help him with his need, she could because it was that time of the month, she calls the only intercourse ready client on his waiting list and thankfully she was already in the club. Waiting, willing, and always able.

She was a redhead in her late thirties. She was five foot six inches. About one-thirty, a tight, very fit body and large C size cup breast. She was one of his regulars and despite a two-month-long waiting list; she somehow managed to see him every single month. Yet, for Enzio, she was somewhat special. Her name was Gia Lucco, her prefer names were Slut, Cunt, Whore, and Bitch. Names that she insisted and he complied. Gia was his first-ever client. The first who gave him a chance during his chat days and the one he made his debut too. The one who made Joslin and Rachel curious through her endless praises online. She was also the only one who could get a bit obsessive when it came to him and would have mini tantrums in the club that would normally have gotten anyone kicked put, but Enzio felt somewhat in debt to this woman and goes through the weekly STD screening to keep her intercourse status. This evening, she reserved the stable room for the next four hours, she knew it was one of Dom's 241 personal favorites.

As instructed, she was wearing a light white blouse, with a blue skirt with lacey undergarments. Her hair was to his instructions as well, pinned up in a tight ponytail. She desperately tried to control her anticipation. It's been a while since she felt his touch and given the day, she assumed that he purposely made her wait. Make her eager and yearn for him, just like he did back then, unbeknownst to him, today was the anniversary of their first meeting, yet to her, it only proved that she was his favorite. The door slammed open and she took a deep breath. "Hello, slut," He said, "You are very pretty today." She smiled, happy that he was pleased with her; she held her head high as her face lit up with a smile.

"Thank you, Master," She replied.

"I will be using all of your names for this session, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good, now take off your blouse cunt!"

"Yes sir" her fingers, trembling as she fumbled with the buttons. She exposed her bra and with his left hand, he ran the back of his fingers over the skin of the exposed portion of her breast. He slowly pushed back the blouse, which made her take a deep breath. The white lace low cut bra lifted her breast provocatively. He took a moment to gaze on her smooth skin and for some reason, he thought about Lana in her bra, but he quickly shook it off.

"Your tits look fantastic slut." Once again, her face lit up with pride.

"Thank you master!" she praised "I bought it just for today, considering the occasion."

"But there's a problem slut, I don't like low cut bra's" he lied. Just to see the shock expression on her face.

"B-but master..." She stammered. "I truly thought you would."

"Thought what slut?" he asked, slowly walking around her, not giving her a second glance. "I know you remember our rules concerning undergarments, I'll inform you about what to wear and if I say nothing, I expect you to wear nothing." Enzio felt good saying that, watching the mixture of fear and lust in her eyes as she was completely becoming engulfed by him, it felt very therapeutic. "Take off that bra slut," He said sternly. She placed her fingers on the top of her bra and pulled them down, allowing her perky breast to spill out. Her large nipples were fully erect and he gently began to stroke her breast with the tip of his nails, running each nail over her nipples slowly. She closed her eyes and let out a joyful sigh as her nipples became harder. Suddenly and without mercy, he pinched her left nipple between his knuckles; he twisted and pulled them towards him. She opened her eyes and gasped from the sudden pain. "You have such lovely tits slut." He reached into his back pocket, taking out a small mirror, with his other hand firmly on the nipple he twisted harder and she let out a passionate yelp as he hovers the mirror over her face. "Look at yourself slut, look at your face; you're nothing but a horny little whore."

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