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Lana had been standing in front of Enzio's door. Periodically trying to listen if there were anyone in the room and stopping herself from knocking. "This is stupid." She raised her hand to knock, "But what if the two of them are having sex?" she quickly lowered her hand. "What if he told her what I did? Great, I don't know her and she probably hates my guts." She pressed her ear against the door. "I don't think he's there." This continued for nearly thirty minutes before finally giving up and headed to her dorm room. Re-examining her feeling towards Enzio. Would ruining everything be worth it? Would they be happy for a few months, maybe a few years? Would she ruin it as she does with all of her relationships? Or what if she tells him "Hey I want to be with you." And he turned her down because he now only saw her as a friend.

Multiple scenarios plagued her mind, allowing her to justify keeping her relationship with Enzio just the way it was. It wasn't hurting anyone and they were still in each other's lives and as soon as she fixed this problem she created, everything would be okay. She was about to open her door when she noticed a white envelope tapped onto her door.

Please read, sign and then come see me! – Zio

Confused, she removed the envelope, slowly opened it, and gasped when she saw that it was a contract and eagerly rushed into her room to read it.

I Lana Sonia Matthews; hereinafter referred to as slave or a pet name of my choosing, do of my free will, and being of sound mind and body, do hereby offer myself in consensual slavery to Enzio Luis Salazar, hereinafter referred to as Master, Sir, Dom or Enzio, starting today and ending whenever the slave or Master wishes it.

Provisions of Contract

1. Slave agrees to obey to the best of her ability and to devote herself entirely to the pleasure and desires of the Master. The slave also renounces all rights to her own pleasure, comfort, or gratification except in so far as permitted by Master. Master agrees to learn what excites the slave through exploration and communication and will incorporate this into the relationship.

2. Master accepts full responsibility for the slave. This includes but is not limited to the slave's survival, health, physical well-being, and mental well-being. Slave accepts full responsibility for informing the Master of any real or perceived dangers or safety concerns. Master agrees that slave will not be punished for respectfully stating these concerns. Master further agrees to listen to slave's concerns with a clear and open mind. Master shall endeavor not to inflict physical harm upon the slave which might require the attention of someone outside the relationship.

3. Slave agrees at all times to make her body readily available to Master for his use in a non-sexual manner. Slave agrees to wear any and all clothing Master picks.

4. Slave agrees to accept the responsibility of using a safe word when necessary. Slave acknowledges that safe word is "Red", "Yellow" means slow down and the safe signal is "Green". Master accepts the responsibility of assessing situations where slave calls safe word and will, to the best of his ability, make a judgment on whether to modify the activity or stop activity entirely. Slave agrees to hold no ill will due to the Master's decision. Master agrees not to punish the slave for the use of a safe word.

5. Slave agrees to answer any and all questions asked by Master freely, promptly, and to the best of her knowledge. Slave further agrees to volunteer any information that the Master should know regarding the slave's physical or emotional state. Master agrees to never use this information to harm the slave in any way.

6. Master agrees to furnish all toys such as vibrators, etc. and punishment implements such as crops and whips. Slave agrees to clean and maintain all toys, have them available for Master's use at all times, and inform Master of any needed repairs or replacements and when slave wishes them to be used.

The Masked Emotions Redux: LingerWhere stories live. Discover now