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To say he was nervous would be an understatement. She already knocked twice and he was standing inches from the door. He sucked in a shaky breath, feeling his throat constrict as panic rose like bile in his body. He was feeling the way he used to back then when it came to her. He quickly shook it off, opened the door, and suddenly, he didn't know how to speak, or walk. He just stood blankly, staring at how beautiful she was in her long tan skirt, her white blouse, and her black flats. Her hair looked clean and her face – her pretty, warm face has just a touch of make-up. His palms were clammy, and it was all he could do not to knot his fingers together. "Hello." He managed, the word rolling out of his mouth like tumbleweed while stepping aside.

She smiled gently and he could see that she was nervous as well. Her eyes met his and despite his nerves, his gaze was steady and he smiled back at her. "Come in," he said. She nodded a few more time, walked in and he closed the door behind her. It has officially begun. He turned around and she looked like she was about to have a panic attack. "Maybe she's having doubts already?" he thought, but before he could ask her anything, she pulled out her phone and showed him videos that even creeped him out a bit.

"I don't think I could this." She exclaimed while pointing at the screen as a man shoved his entire hand inside a woman's ass and his eyes widen.

"Uh, yeah, that's not going to happen." He quickly stated and she quickly flips to the next video, showing him a man basically choking a woman while having her strapped on what looked like an examination table with dildos built-in.

"Or this one?" and he shook his head and she was about to go to the next video when he grabbed her phone and placed it on the counter.

"You're into some sick shit." He chuckled and she tossed him a glare.

"I looked up BDSM examinations online and..."

"Oh, yeah, that's not it." He stated while suppressing a laugh which somehow eliminated the nervous feeling he had earlier. He gently took her hands and stared into her eyes. "This is in a way, an intimate examination. This is something that is usually done either once a week or before every session. You do have to submit your body to me but..." he pointed towards the phone, "not in that way. Your submission would allow me to objectify and examine you as I choose. You will need to be passive and compliant. No pain will be inflicted, though you may feel either embarrassed or humiliated. Do you understand?"

Lana stood quiet, almost as if she was replaying everything he just said over and over again to get used to it. She pulled her hands away and took several steps back before standing in complete attention. "How may I serve and please you, Master?" she nervously announced, subjecting her body to his examination.

It has been less than a minute and he couldn't help to think how effortlessly lovely she was, despite the doubts she had about herself the other day, she was so naturally feminine. He guided her to the middle of the room, she was visibly nervous, but clearly excited about what would happen. She looked at him, searching for a signal, a hint, wondering what to expect, what to do while brimming with excitement and expectation. He slowly turned her around so that she was facing the mirror on his bathroom door. She turned to look at him, her eyes searching on an inkling on what he might do. "Look at the mirror, Baby Girl." He said.

A shadow of a smile disappeared from her face and she looked at her reflection. She was serious now, ready to follow his instructions and for a quick second, he drew a blank. Slowly, he walked around her. Her clothing was very attractive, in a casual kind of way – considering the situation, he guessed she wanted to be comfortable. Standing beside her, he leaned in so that he could smell her hair, making sure she felt his breath close to her neck and smiled when he caught a whiff of his favorite perfume. Cashmere Mist.

The Masked Emotions Redux: LingerWhere stories live. Discover now