The Accidental Session

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Lana & Enzio

It was almost seven in the morning when Enzio was woken up by a series of rapidly hard knocking on the door. He glanced at the clock and immediately began to silently complain. "I got home two fucking hours ago." He stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, hoping that whoever was knocking to just go away, but when he saw that wasn't happening, he forcefully pushed himself off the bed. "One second!" he yelled, but the knocking only increased the moment whomever it was heard his voice. "I said one second!" he took a glance at the door mirror and sneered at the light hickeys around his abdomen. "Damn debutants, they could never follow orders correctly!" the knocking resumed, and he clenched his jaw while throwing on grey sweatpants, followed by a t-shirt with the phrase 'Your pants say yoga, but your ass screams McDonald's.' Across the chest.

By this time the door was rattling so hard that the walls were practically shaking. Enzio allowed his emotions to overwhelm him and opened the door while shouting "what the fuck do you..." he stopped short "Lana?" He stared at her long beige trench coat and beet red face and briefly recalled all the times he fantasized about this very moment, but before he could say a single word, she forced herself into the room.

"No questions okay?" she nervously said.


She looked at him, her eyes were riddled with fear, and face was drenched with sweat. "You have to promise me no questions." Almost instantly, Enzio's mind began racing. "Did that son of a bitch put a hand on her? I'll fucking kill him! Wait is she pregnant? Please do let that be it. Maybe she's going to drop out, she's been very stressed lately. Hmph, maybe she got drunk and woke up with a tramp stamp."

"Promise me!" her voice cracked, and he nodded just as Lana began to slowly open the trench coat. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but..." His eyes instantly focused on the outfit she was wearing. Black lace leggings with a bustier top that hugged her body and highlighted her breast and ass perfectly. He was awestricken. She looked amazing and his heart was racing. "My God, she looks so beautiful... wait, where did I see that outfit before..." His eyes widened as it dawned on him.

"Why are you wearing that?!!" he yelled

"You promised!" she screamed back.

"Fuck that noise, why are you wearing that?!"

"That's because? It's because!"

"Because of what?!"

"I don't know exactly why either!!"

They both stared at one another silently for nearly a minute before Lana began to tug on the fasteners. "It won't come off." She softly spoke, "It locked somehow, and no matter how hard I try," she tugged at it again, "it won't open." Her face flushed, "It's very durable." Enzio slowly traced her body with his gaze and had a flashback of that night yet again which caused his heart to race and the feelings he tried to desperately keep locked away to start coming out. "Why did you order this outfit?"

He looked at her and instantly felt flushed. "Shit, this is bad. I ordered that for Rachel's birthday. I could tell her the truth." The image of her crying and hitting him flash in his mind. "No, she'll hate me for sure. Especially since I kissed her." He stared at her soft lips, "Is it wrong that I want to kiss her again? Yes, yes, it is. I don't want to be hurt again. I don't want to feel like this again, but I also don't want her out of my life... not anymore and she would see this as an act of betrayal." Acting quickly, he forced out a smile and lied convincingly to her face. "My girlfriend is really into that stuff, so I bought her that outfit."

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