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Lana sat in the middle of her room, thinking about the woman Enzio was kissing passionately in the middle of the street. She knew she had seen her somewhere before, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Yet, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that she was just as jealous of that woman. The way he looked at her, held her, even the way he brushed her hair away from her face, she was envious of all that. It was quite clear that he cared deeply for her and it would be only a matter of time before he ended this relationship between them out of guilt. The same kind of guilt she felt when Samuel popped into her head during the nipple clamp incident.

When she woke him up she lied to him. Telling him that she felt uncomfortable when it was the exact opposite. She liked very much how the nipple clamps felt, the weight dragging her down, and the vibration on her nipples was new and something she wanted to explore further, but not with him. As much as she has an attraction to Enzio, that masked man somehow has a hold on her and she only knew him for a few hours and yet, she felt like she always knew him. She desperately wanted to fuck him. Nothing else mattered. He was in every sexual fantasy. Those piercing eyes, his brooding voice, and demanding touch. She even found herself counting the days she had left to see him.

She began to wonder if she was just using Enzio just to satisfy this craving that was created by Dom 241 and a pang of immense guilt slowly embraced her, "I'm such an idiot. Why can't I be honest with him? Would he understand? Would he hate me? I just don't want to lose him again." She then heard his voice in the hallway, followed by a woman's laughter and she practically launched off the floor and ran towards the door, pressing her eye against the peephole, but all she saw was her arm as she entered the room. "Oh my God, she's here?" she thought while nodding several times. This was it, she wasn't going to wait for him to bring her over. He hid her long enough and she was about to open the door when she noticed that she was wearing a pair of pink sweats, a baggy white t-shirt with a coffee stain by the collar and her hair looked like she shoved her finger into the light socket.

She stepped away from the door and quickly gotten dressed, putting on her best jeans that highlighted her figure, a clean crisp shirt that hugged her just right while making sure that her hair looked pristine, makeup was flawless, and wearing his favorite perfume before stepping out that door. It was fully aware that what she was doing was childish and borderline pathetic, but she felt like she needed to let this woman know that she too was just as beautiful as she was.

Once she arrived at his door, she hesitated, preparing herself for when she would eventually see him holding her, touching her, and kissing her. She instantly felt a small hint of anger starting to surface and she rapidly shook her head. "It's not fair! Why am I getting angry? I bet she's a great woman, I saw how happy she made him. Besides, I have a boyfriend and she's his g-g-girlfriend. We're adults and we could be mature about this." She took several deep breaths to calm her nerves and knocked on the door.

At first, it was quiet, but then she heard the door unlocked and he opened the door, wearing nothing but his boxers, which caused her to blush when she saw his rock hard abs and chiseled chest, once again making her wonder why she never noticed how gorgeous his body was. "Uh, hi." He said, looking a bit perplexed and she forced herself into his room. Lana immediately began surveying the small area, like a pirate searching for treasure. She saw the mystery woman's clothing on the floor, her bra on his desk, panties on the foot of his bed, and his shirt slowly rotating on the ceiling fan and she immediately regretted forcing herself in.

Enzio stood still, looking at Lana's judgmental eyes before he nervously began to clean up. "She's supposed to be at her parents." He muttered.

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