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Sandra Baker had been working in the Looking glass for over a year under the name Mistress Sabrina and during that time her job was simple. She would maintain the contract booth until the exhibition and then she would go to work as a non-intercourse Mistress. Her clients adored her time with her and she would average one thousand dollars per night as her take, which would be good for some, but for Sandra, it wasn't enough. She wanted more and was bitter that the club took sixty percent of her cut which showed whenever she was alone with the other workers and she would exercise her distained for the situation.

She didn't want to hear the excuses the other co-workers would say or when Joslin would tell her that the cut of the money pays for her to have toys, clothing, medical benefits as well as protection from potential clients and if she was still upset about the cut, she could always have forty-five percent or leave. Sandra knew it was complete bullshit, however. It was no secret that Dom 241 got eighty percent of his nights and when she confronted Joslin on her favoritism, the woman simply smiled and told her that Dom 241 invest nearly all of his cut back into the club and if she was willing to become a partner, then she would have no problem giving her that same arrangement. If not, then she should either shut up or go independent. Which she did... sort of. She began seeing clients during off-hours, but wasn't making as much as she hoped for, she even considered sleeping with a few of them when she received the offer of a lifetime.

A Japanese woman came to see her and she seemed to know everything about her. Where she shopped, where her family lived and the woman even purchased all of her outstanding debts. At first, she was terrified of this woman, but smiled after the woman said "I will give you a million dollars now and five million more for the Looking Glass employee's list as well as any information you can give me on the identity of Dom 241."

The following day, she went to work with a skip to her step. The first part of the request was easy. Since she is in charge of the contract booth, she has access to the employee list and considering she's always on one of the laptops, to begin with, no one noticed her downloading the list. Narrowing the possible candidates, however, proved to be more of a hassle than she wanted.

The club has twenty-two 'main employees' which consists of eleven Mistresses/Dominas and eleven Masters/Doms and out of the men, only six of them were intercourse approved based on the employee list. She then spent over a week narrowing them down based on skin tone, height, and body size and she finally had it down to three possibilities that fitted those characteristics perfectly. Kevin Rosario, Maurice Taylor, and Marcus Smith. Once she had her candidates, she secretly took pictures of each of them and added it to her zip file. Considering that Dom 241's identity was a kept secret, even to the employees which made her believed that he was a celebrity at one time.

Yet she did her best with the information presented to her and rapidly typed everything she knew along with the payment information and was preparing to send the email when his voice startled her. "Hey, Sandra." Her heart stopped and the fear sent a rush of butterflies throughout her body as she looked up and saw Enzio standing in front of her. "I need to know if you're working on Sunday so I could make sure you have supplies on hand."

"Yes, I am." She playfully laughed and internally vomited as Enzio nodded with that carefree smile of his and walked away. Sandra always despised him and it wasn't because he was the assistant manager or the fact he wore too many hats on the job. One day he would be the janitor, the next, the handyman or the bouncer, and sometimes the bartender. Or it wasn't because Joslin and Rachel were in a relationship with him. No, what really bothered her about him was the fact that Enzio had the characteristic of a pure sub, and to see someone as young and timid as he was giving out orders, asking for schedules, or trying to resolve in house conflicts between the employees which were insulting.

A mischievous smile crept, she reopened her email and added Enzio's name and picture into her candidates' list. "I know there's no way in hell he's Dom 241, but I hope this will make that bitch Joslin's life a living hell." After a half-hour of stalking her inbox, she received a confirmation from her bank that five million dollars have been deposited into her account. She looked up, called out to Enzio as he walked by, and quit. 

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