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Lana sat in the center of her bed, trying to figure out how to fix what just happened. She knew she messed up. She hoped that doing some of the old methods to get him to do whatever she wanted would work, but she never thought it would make him so angry. The regret fired up her brain. There were no excuses and she knew it; trying to fight back her tears, she tried to call him for the thirtieth time and like the others – it went straight to voice mail. "I messed up so badly." Again, she called and again nothing. "You're an idiot Lana. You're a fucking idiot." She replayed what she asked him, and she could understand why he would be angry. She was asking him to do certain acts with her that were borderline sexual without anything in return. Now she knew she couldn't face him ever again. She knew that due to her selfishness, she may have lost the only real friend she ever had.

She laid in a fetal position as her eyes dripped with tears. She felt the muscles of her chin trembled, feeling the water flow down her face, her chest hurt so much, and she shoved her head into her pillow to muffle her cries. She was trembling. She couldn't stop. It was raw, and she couldn't stop crying.

Two hours later, her eyes were puffed and beet red, nose stuffy, and her throat was sore. It was over. She knew there was an extreme possibility that she couldn't make it up to him. She laid there for another hour and a half. Marie stopped by asked what was wrong, but she didn't want to tell her what happened. It would be too embarrassing, instead, she lied, telling her that she fought with Samuel. Marie wanted to stay by her side, but she kindly told her to go to work. As the days went by, Enzio avoided her like the plague and she began to understand how he felt. It was hurtful and downright torturous.

She went deep in reading her power fantasy novels and listening to her songs, anything to feel a little better. Each text sent to Enzio profusely apologizing was left unanswered and eventually, she just decided to let this ride out. Soon her phone vibrated, promptly exciting her like a child and when she looked at it, she was upset that it wasn't him, but equally shocked to see that it was a message from the looking glass. She must've signed up for something when she sent that email and began to read it intently.

Reservation for the August/September bookings for Dom 241 has now begun! Book now and get the early bird discount of $350 per hour! That's almost half off!

"Three fifty?" She groaned at the thought of it. "Including the guest pass, it'll be almost a grand." She stared at the screen for over five minutes, fantasizing about lying on the floor handcuffed and blindfolded. Wearing thigh-high black stocking, a pair of black leather underwear with a zipper over the crotch. A tight halter top that was suffocating her breast, she could feel him placing a collar around her neck. "That's a good girl." She heard his strong voice by her ear "How do you like your new outfit? Tell me how it feels." She gasped as the pressure of the collar pulled her sideways.

"It's tight... My breast, so tight..." She felt his hand gently rub the top of her head. "It feels good huh Lana?"

"Who are you?" she begged, "How do you know me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She felt him pinch her nipple "My lovely, Lana." She felt his fingers slowly move down onto her stomach and then to her crotch. His fingers grab the zipper and he quickly pulled down, revealing her nicely shaved pussy for him. He slowly placed his finger on it and started caressing her labia. Her natural lube was making it easier for his finger to reach every nook of her pussy. He gently curved his fingers inside her lips, getting it nice and wet before he pulls it out. He lifted his mask just above his mouth and tasted it.

"Sweet and tangy," He growled, "Just how I like it, Lana." He placed his fingers back in and she moaned, lifting her arms and grabbing her breast tightly. She could feel herself about to cum and just when she was about to, she snapped out of it, feeling hot and bothered. Her panties were soaked, her legs felt sticky and she was more tired than before. She looked over at her phone; confirming her appointment with Dom 241 in two months and threw herself back on the bed "Oh why does it have to be so long?" She once again began to think about the man in the mask and she allowed her hand to move downwards.

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