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Lana stood still. Her robe was off, tossed to the side somewhere and she was still trying to process what has happened. She was walking up the stairs, still in a bit of a haze. She looked at the crowd for Marie and when she found her, Marie gave her the thumbs up, but she didn't want to be there. She tried to convince herself that she would tell Mistress Joslin that she didn't want it. However, upon reaching her, the first thing Mistress Joslin did was give her a soft kiss on the lips that completely caught her off guard.

Lana was speechless as Mistress Joslin confirmed the ticket. Without a word, she scanned the bracelet and walked away. "We need to talk first." Dom 241 calmly spoke, and Lana instantly remembered the 'getting to know you' portion in Hannah's earlier explanation. "I'll tell him that this was a mistake when we're alone." She thought. Dom 241 led the way down a long hallway. The floors were made of dark marble that echoed every step they took, the walls were pristine white, not a handprint or scuff mark anywhere. Each door they walked past was made from rich mahogany with silver digits that matched the door handles. They continued walking until he stopped short and looked at her.

Again, there was something about his gaze that made her feel safe as if she could feel him searching deep into her soul. This was the chance to tell him that this was all a misunderstanding, but she didn't say anything. "Since this is your first time here, allow me to give you a proper tour." His voice was deep, confident, and somewhat soothing. "As you must've read in the contract. The Looking Glass was created three years ago to cater to people who want to explore Submission. However, some just come for the sex." He looked at her, "but they rarely get it. However, we do have events that allow our members to be free with each other, thankfully, they show respect and restraint. We do not discriminate against any sexual preferences or fantasies just if they are within reason. We have many party areas just like the social hall downstairs where multiple activities can happen at once and where people could observe."

They stopped short in front of a room, he took her by her waist and pulled her to his muscular chest. "why are you here?" he asked, catching Lana off guard, but when she didn't answer he opened the door. Inside, there were stocks, a padded bench, and leather walls. "this is one of the private rooms." He loosened his grip and Lana attempted to take a step in, but he stopped her. "This is not our room." He calmly stated before closing the door. Lana just kept staring at him. Despite the mask, she felt safe but was unable to speak. The next room resembled a doctor's office, the next one after that had a large mat that spread from wall to wall and the one after that, an executive office and before he opened, he kept asking her "why are you here?" and every time she couldn't answer, he closed the door and moved to the next room.

It was the last room; Dom 241 opened the door to a very large room that resembled a bar. There were sex toys and liquor bottles on the shelves. The booths had straps and handcuffs attached to them and instead of stools, there were medieval stocks. Instead of asking her again why she was there, he asked "Do you even want to be here?" However, Lana didn't hear that. Because he kept asking her the same question over and over, she was wondering why was she there? She had plenty of chances to just throw her hands up and leave, but she didn't. She had a chance to shout out that she didn't win but didn't. She had several opportunities to tell this man that she didn't want to be there, but she couldn't. She wanted to be like the people in the social hall, even if it was only for one night. She wanted to know what it was like. So, looked into the man's eyes.

"I want to experience this." She finally spoke.

"Experience what?" he firmly asked.

"What it's like to be free." She answered. Without another word, he reached into his back pocket, pulled out a black leather strap, and firmly secured it around her eyes. She felt his hands holding on to hers as he gently pulled her into the room. When the door closed, she heard a small jingle, then let out a sharp gasp when she felt something going around her neck.

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