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Enzio laid sprawled, his body felt too heavy to move. He looked like an overturned turtle as he tried to roll off the bed. The light felt like sharp needles in his eyes as the thumping in his head harmonized with his pulse. His mouth tasted like a week-old diaper, as he desperately tried to create saliva. He heard a pop and then a sizzle, "Toma." His sister shouted, making his head feel like someone just punched it. He opened his hand and she handed him a can of warm Sprite. "I have poached eggs, home fries, and bacon getting delivered in ten minutes get your ass out of that bed, drink the soda, and take a cold shower!" He hesitated for a moment and looked at her.

"I'm not drinking again." He sighed.

"Really, because you really fooled me last night." She scowled, raising her voice just loud enough to make his head split. "Enzio, I can't see you like that again."

He smiled at her and slowly pushed himself up. "Nadia, I promise you I am not an alcoholic. Last night... Last night was a fluke."

Nadia shook her head, "That's not good enough Zio." She whispered, placing her hand over his. "Don't touch it ever again, please. Promise me."

Enzio lowered his head before looking back up at her with a smile. He leaned forward and kissed his sister on her forehead before telling her "I promise."

As soon as Nadia left the room, he reached into his pocket, taking out his cell, and called Lana. After several rings, her voice mail picked up and he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard her sweet voice. "Hey Lana, I'm sorry for not talking to you all week, a lot was going on and... That's no excuse, I fucked up and I really want to make it up to you, maybe I could make you dinner and we could talk. I'll tell you everything you want to know, and I mean everything, no holds barred. Ohh, we could also watch No Holds Barred on Netflix... All jokes aside, I really want to see you. Please call me."


Gia Lucco had spent the better part of her morning planning a hostile takeover of a small software firm in Boulder Colorado. She had been undergoing a great deal of stress trying to successfully acquire the company secretly while dealing with the highly paid, yet idiotic yes men she had working for her. She was about to drink her coffee just as her assistance began to speak to her about the day's events when she received a text message. She placed her finger up and checked her phone.

She smiled and felt her body tremble before answering the text

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She smiled and felt her body tremble before answering the text.

She told her assistant to leave her office immediately and began walking towards a door hidden in the wall beside her

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She told her assistant to leave her office immediately and began walking towards a door hidden in the wall beside her. She entered three numbers on the keypad and entered the room. The light went on and facing her was a giant wall photo of Enzio, wearing blue jeans and a graphic tee, walking through the quad. The photo was surrounded by smaller photos of Enzio at his parents' house, working out at the gym, walking with the two owners of The Looking Glass, drinking coffee with three of his classmates, and her latest addition, laughing in a restaurant with a Japanese gentleman.

There were over dozens upon dozens of photos of Enzio doing his regular daily activities and they were always taken from afar. She placed her hand on a thick binder which contained all of his reviews, back when he was only known as 'user 241'. Multiple reservation ticket stubs encased in glass with exact descriptions of what was done to her and a display head that was wearing an old, worn-out mask. The mask he wore when they first met. She ran her fingers on the mask and began to touch her lips. Thinking about the shy nineteen-year-old boy she met a few years ago by accident in a chat room. A boy who appeared timid and gentle one second and then became a rough savage the next, a boy who would become her drug. Shortly after her phone vibrated and she quickly looked at it

 Shortly after her phone vibrated and she quickly looked at it

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Lana lowered the phone, she must've listened to his message over a dozen times and it still had the same effect. It made her nervous, shy, and uncontrollably giddy at the same time. She wanted to call him, wanted to have him make her dinner, and ask all the questions that have been circling in her mind like a school of sharks, but most of all she wanted to be near him again. Want to see his smile, hear him laugh. At that moment her screen saver appeared with her and Samuel hugging one another, and she felt a mixture of pain and sorrow, she wanted to cry as well as throw up.

The guilt felt like a bunch of moths eating her insides. This feeling that she had for Enzio is without a doubt frightening. It was frightening because she was not sure if the feeling of guilt was about being with Enzio or if it was because she was still with Samuel or perhaps something else, maybe it was her infatuation with Dom 241. With a heavy heart, she texted Enzio and lied, telling him that she was already in Austin, spending time with Samuel and his parents and they'll talk once she gets back. She closed her suitcase and stared at the black envelope on her bed, unaware of what to do next.


Enzio and Nadia exited the elevators with one of Akira's daughter's walking close behind them. He looked back several times and asked her to walk beside him, which caused her to heavily blush and she quickly shook her head. He then asked her in her native tongue for her name, "Miko" she giggled as she kept her head down. Nadia watched as her brother quickly reached into his pocket looking like a child on Christmas morning. Then just as quickly his smiled disappeared and he looked so sad. "What happened?" she asked, even though she probably already figured out what was the problem, Lana.

"Nothing," He said, placing a fake smile on his face, another thing she grew accustomed to through the years. "Just a harsh realization that I am still stuck in the past." That comment caused her to raise an eyebrow, "and I need to move forward." He meant what he said and she felt so proud of him. She had planned to jump down his throat about her college payments, but she didn't want to ruin this moment and ride this wave home.

She pouted and took her brother's arm. "Come on Zio, spend the day with me." He looked at his sister and let out a soft laugh before smiling and at that moment, he decided to no longer believe he was lonely. No longer want to keep people at arm's length. He had a sister, a friend, and two women who loved him deeply and in his own way, he loved them in return. He decided to no longer torture himself on one-sided love. As much as it would hurt him, he would have to live with the fact that he would never have her, just having her as his sub will have to be good enough and he believed he could live with that.

He took his phone, texted Lana that he hoped she enjoyed her time with Samuel, and as soon as she got back, he would have a session ready for her. He looked at his sister, messed with her hair with his free hand, and walked down the street, not paying attention to the red-headed woman, standing beside him, secretly taking his picture.

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