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Ragini who walked inside the room saw Sanskar sitting on the bed with again the same sad face and tears dried on his cheeks left the traces clearly.

"You are planning to leave Ananya behind. Don't you?" he looked up at Ragini while she spoke that. He wiped his face and tried to smile but his muscles did not let him to do that.

"One more drop of tear and you will win. You know right the previous record of highest tears was held by Ananya for crying over the ending of Avengers Endgame. Now you are just a tear drop away Mr. Dumbledore. Drop it soon then we can celebrate" she grinned at him and he chuckled.

"You never let me even cry" he complained like a small kid. Ragini neared him and encircled his waist in her hands. "Because you look more handsome when you don't cry" she smiled at him.

"You did not called me a creature this time" he widened his eyes. "Yeah. Thought of changing the words a bit" she nuzzled his nose with hers.

"What are you thinking?" she asked when he was silent for a longer time. "I wonder. Will our daughter life be any different? Will she live a normal life ever?" he looked at his wife.

"What's your definition of normal Dumbledore?" she asked him. He looked at her confused. "As you said normal. You should know the definition right?" she asked and he just nodded his head.

"I don't know

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"I don't know. I think normal is when she will get the love she deserves. She should be a wife not a burden to Shlok. I know he is a really good guy. But I don't want him to have a regretful life" Sanskar looked at Ragini who gave a smile to him.

"Tell me one thing ain't our relation normal?" Ragini asked him and he nodded his head in yes. "How is it even normal when we had to go through so much?" asked she.

"Because we were together whatever we had been through. We made it easy for each other" he smiled at her.

"Wasn't I the biggest burden you ever carried?" she asked as her eyes filled up. He kissed her forehead. "I loved to carry that burden because I loved you and only you" he smiled.

"So how can be Dhwani's life not normal? She might be a burden to Shlok now. But it's about time Mr.Dumbledore. He will also carry the burden without feeling it. I know he is a very good guy. He married Dhwani for Anika. But I don't know when I see him watching Dhwani I feel he wants to live his life with Dhwani and that gives me an assurance that he isn't feeling Dhwani as a burden but his wife. And that assurance for me is enough to be tension free about our daughter. Sure her life will be different than us. Different than anyone but it's her destiny" she shrugged her shoulders and Sanskar smiled dragged her into a warm hug. Ragini smiled as she realized her husband finally got the point that his worries are pointless.

"Now if you have forgotten love birds" they departed as they heard Ananya's voice.

"It's Dhwani's pagphere rasam and after almost begging Ansh bhai he has agreed to arrange it here in Rawat Mansion. We are running out of time. Ansh bhai gonna kill me. He gave the responsibility to me" Ananya panicked.

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