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Shlok couldn't help but smile when he saw that wide smile on his wife's lips while he nuzzled her nose with his. “Dhwani” he called ever so soothingly that Dhwani almost felt he was singing her a lullaby to make her sleep more peacefully. “Hmm” she just hummed nearing her face to him wearing that smile still on her face with closed eyes. “I need to get ready” he moved a hair strand near her forehead tucking it back to her ear and she moved her shoulder up.

“Okay” she said with her morning rasp voice. “Get up then” he admired each feature on her face. “You need to get ready Sok. Not me” her eyebrows shrank. He smiled and cupped her one cheek gently. “You are sleeping on my hand assuming it to be your pillow”

“But it's so cold Sok. How will I sleep without you?” she opened her eyes a bit and looked at him whining. “Awww” he kissed her forehead. “You take the comforter today. It will warm you up” he moved his hands to grab the blanket but Dhwani held his shoulder. “No I don't want any but just you” she hugged his arm and he got dragged to her. “But Dhwani. I have an important meeting today. Please... let me go” he requested.

“I said no” she nodded her head. “In return you can ask anything. Just let me go now” he tried to convince her. “I don't want anything right now than you. Because I cannot sleep otherwise” she said determined. “Dhwani” he looked at her helplessly. He thought different ways to convince her.

To his rescue Dhwani's phone started to buzz and she moved towards the left to pick it up and Shlok utilized the situation to hop out of the bed. “Sok.. Sok” Dhwani who guessed his move tried to grab his arms but he had already moved away.

She sat up on the bed pouting and crossing her arms. Shlok who was teasing her stopped his laugh and looked at her. She was really pissed. “Hey Mrs. Shlok” he neared her and sat beside her. She moved her head away not looking at him. “Hey” he tried holding her chin but she jerked his hand off.

She got up from bed annoyed and walked to the washroom and got freshened up. “Dhwani” Shlok called her but she did not respond but kept walking towards the door. He got up defeated and held her wrist to stop her. Though her steps halted Dhwani did not turn.

“I am sorry” he sighed and turned her and got worried when he saw her tears. “Dhwani...” he whined dragging her more near and cupping her face. He tried to lift her face but she did not look into his eyes. “Why are you crying? Did you got hurt?” he asked impatiently. She did not answer.

“Please Dhwani. Tell me what happened?” he asked worried. “You don't want to be with me” she said with her choking voice. “What?” he asked confused. “You don't want to be with me Sok. You don't like to be with me” she rubbed her nose. “Who says that?” he asked. She did not answer but hiccuped.

“Dhwani look at me” he demanded and she met his eyes with her tearful eyes. He wiped the water on her cheeks with his thumb finger and kissed her forehead lovingly. “Why do you think so?” he asked softly.

“I just wanted some more time Sok. But you cheated me and ran away” she said pouting.

“God those words literally sound awful” his face twisted in displeasure. Dhwani did not understood what he meant. She just looked at him confused. “Never mind” he nodded his head.

“I am sorry okay for making you feel that way. I really am sorry for that Dhwani. I just did not wanted to be late on a meeting” he squeezed his eyes. “You know time is very precious and yet personal. Though we waste our time we should never ever waste others time” he nodded his head.

“Tayaji says the same” she looked thoughtful. “So I was just trying to not to waste somebody's time” he formed a thin line over his lips.

“Oh” Dhwani said and smiled at him blinking her eyes. She then covered him in his embrace placing her head over his chest where his heart was galloping sensing her presence. He placed his chin over her head. “I am sorry Sok. I don't want to waste your time” she said softly smiling at the voice of his heart beats.

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