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*You have been warned sexual implications ahead.  Read it on your own risk.

One week.

Seven days.

One hundred and sixty hours.

Ten thousand and eighty minutes.

Six lakhs four thousand and eight hundred seconds
(To write this huge number alone I had to check my calculator three times. Damn the numbers😑).

Now if you see this way then you will know how difficult it was for Shlok to cope with the distance between him and his wife.

When he placed his legs on the ground he realized how it feels to be lost in outer space and  then after many days landing back on the earth and breath the fresh oxygen feels like.

All the last week he half concentrated on the work. While half lost he thought different ways his wife can harm herself. Or the situations she might have undergone the emotional pain not able to do something very basic.

And his nights he passed only listening to the whole day report by his wife who was time zone wise half day away from him.

And most time of the report listening passed flinching when he heard from the report that his wife sneezed twice in a minute thrice in the whole week.

But he was relieved when it didn't end up in cold.

He also flinched when he heard she had got mosquito bite. After his mother convinced him that Dhwani did not intended to invite the mosquito bite and his father has got the whole house on a pest control one more time before the month end he decided to relax.

Above all these the realization when her voice played that she missed him terribly but tried to sound cheerful was what making him go insane with each passing second.

"Done" Dhwani's mother in law smiled when she finished tucking the Saree edge on her shoulder.

Dhwani who was looking at the Saree Now looked up in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful. I think my son's heart beat is gonna stop today" Her mother in law placed her chin on Dhwani's shoulder and placed a black spot made out of her kohl behind Dhwani's ear.

"What?" Dhwani worried. "Sok's heart will stop. Oh my god why did I wear this then" Dhwani worried and tried taking off her Saree. But her mother in law stopped her.

"Offo Dhwani I mean he will be shocked" Her mother in law corrected her mistake.

"Oh..." Dhwani relaxed. "He will be alright na?" asked Dhwani unsure.  "He will be.  Don't worry." Her mother in law assured.

"Me and your papa are going to Nasik  and will be returning after two days. I have spoken to Shlok also. He will be here soon okay" she smiled caressing Dhwani's cheek.

"You won't meet him. He wasn't here for whole week" Dhwani pouted.

"He was away from home for longer period earlier. We have become used to it by now. And moreover he will be missing you more than anyone" his mother in law winked and a slight blush crept on Dhwani's cheeks.

"Bye beta" Her father in law and mother in law waved at her while they left in the car. 

Dhwani closed the door and walked to her room pouting. Now as she was alone in home she was missing Shlok more than ever.  Half day passed.

"Mrs. Shlok"

She finally heard the voice she wanted to hear while her face blossomed like a flower of most beautiful colour.

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