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Dhwani frowned as she entered the room holding a tray. “Sok” she sternly called her husband. His smile faded as he turned to his right finding his wife in that mood.

“Um.. I was just..” he tried to explain. But Dhwani did not seemed to get affected by his innocent looks. She placed the tray on the small table on the leg side of their bed and walked to him swiftly. Grabbing the file in his hand she gave him an annoyed look.

“I had told you to rest” she complained. “I was doing the same” Shlok reasoned. “With this?” she showed the file. “Um.. Yeah I was just arranging it in a proper way” he sheepishly smiled at her. Dhwani did not looked convinced by that.

“Liar liar pant on fire”she stuck her tongue out. Shlok's eyebrows twitched in amusement. He muffled his laughter behind his sorry face. “Awww. You are cho cute” he pulled her nose and Dhwani slapped his hand with the same cute anger intact on her face.

“I am sorry” he held his ears pouting at her and she sighed looking at him. He sure was adorable with his antics and she could not hold herself behind the fake anger for very long time. He held her by elbow and dragged her and she landed straight in his embrace.

“You are still not cured Sok” she spoke worried. “And your worries will not lessen my pain” he looked down at her. She drew circles over his chest. “Then what should I do?” she looked up at him. “I don't know. Just love me enough to forget the pain” he kissed her hair.

“How to do that?” she rose up facing him. He just shrugged his shoulder. “You figure it out yourself” he stood up and walked towards the washroom. “Sok” she called him and he turned and was greeted by her warm lips crashing on his. He was shocked once then relaxed and kissed her back gently.

“Now my wife is learning to love ha?” he teased and she giggled. “Did you forget your pain?” she asked deepening her eyes and he felt his stomach flipping. “A tiny bit” he teased her. She leaned and kissed him again. When they felt difficult to breath they departed. “Now?” she asked still looking into his eyes.

“I might get used to this ointment” he chuckled before dragging her for one more kiss lifting her a bit in his embrace and Dhwani felt a stream of emotions rushing inside her. She never wanted to get departed from him. What was happening to her? She had no clue. Whom will she ask all this? She had no clue. All she could do was worry more at her feelings. Because last time she did as she wished she almost lost Shlok. She did not wanted that to happen again.

There was weird thirst inside her which grew when she was not around Shlok. She needed to be close to him all the time. If the distance increased tiny bit also she used to feel weird like she is no more breathing.

Shlok on the other hand used to find it weird when Dhwani used to turn silent when he walked away from her. Her constantly worrying face was not letting him to live in peace. He knew he had to talk to her regarding this sooner or later. But there was a kind of fear from the last incident when he gave up to his craving and ended up hurting Dhwani emotionally. He did not wanted to repeat it ever again.

He decided he has to speak to Dhwani regarding this today at any cost.

“How is your wound Shlok?” his mother asked when they were all having dinner. “It doesn't hurt much mom. But your daughter in law is just exaggerating it” he nodded his head.  “Really Sok? You stop screaming when I apply the antiseptic then tell you are okay and it is not hurting” she twisted her lips and her mother in law smiled at her.

“For god sake it is an antiseptic and it will hurt even on ant bite” he spoke the fact. His father chuckled and got glares in return from Shlok. “I don't care. Unless it will heal completely that means you don't scream when I apply it I will believe there is no more pain” Dhwani said with her chin up.

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