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What can you define as the best feeling of your life. Many will agree that may be unless the life is over you can't tell which was your best feeling.

The best feel creeps your heart when you see your dream taking the shape of reality.

So it was the time when Shlok will have the best feeling of his life.

Shlok did not had slightest clue that he was going to die literally out of shock this day.

"Hey mom" he greeted his mother as soon as he entered the home tired.

She just smiled at him cloaking her excitement.

Shlok who had not seen the expression on his mother's face walked to his room.

He waited for his wife to pop in but she didn't. So he himself called her.

"Dhwani... " he looked all over the room and the balcony but she wasn't there.

"Dhwani..." his heart started to beat fast as he scanned the whole mansion.

"Mom... " he walked to his parent's room.

"Where is Dhwani?" he asked worried.

His mother with all her controlling power made a straight face with confusion.

"I thought she told you" she said controlling her laugh.

"Told what?" asked he confused.

"She said she is missing Garv a lot so she will stay with him only and will not come back to you. She also said you don't love her like earlier" his mother pouted.

"And you let her go? Seriously?" he asked annoyed to his room and grabbed the key of his car.

"Where are you going?" his mother asked.

"Of course to Raheja mansion where Dhwani is. I don't even know why she even felt that way" he rubbed his forehead.

"But she is here on the terrace angry on you" his mother said and he looked at her unsure.

He placed the key back and rushed to the terrace.

All the stairs he climbed he was thinking different way to calm his wife.

The terrace was dark.

"Dhwani... " he called. But she did not answer. But he knew she was there. May be crying and that made him worry more.

"See Dhwani I don't know why did you felt that I love you less. May be because I did not let you buy a video game for Garv. But he can't yet use it Biwi. And by the time he grows enough there will be better games. I swear I will not stop you from buying it. And I know you miss Garv a lot. But Mrs. Shlok he needs his mumma and Papa also right? And I am sorry for that even though it is not in my control. But Dhwani you know right I love you a lot and someday you will also have a baby but please don't get upset because of it. I can't..."
His throat swell when he tried to continue.

"I can't see you upset Biwi. All I ever wanted was you to be happy. Nothing more. I'm sorry I can't even fulfil your One wish" he let down some tears in darkness.

Then the lights flashed in front of him. And he saw the whole terrace decorated in fairy lights and everywhere the baby photos were hanging.

"Hello baby's papa" Dhwani kissed his tear strained cheek.

Shlok was holding his breath for a long time and his head started to spin due to it.

"Baby's papa? " he still thunderstruck looked at his wife.

"You only baby's papa" she pecked his lips.

"What?" he asked still confused.

"Offo budhuram" Dhwani took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

"I got baby" she squealed.

"Oh my god" Shlok dragged his hand and covered his mouth.

His eyes were still boggled out.

Dhwani clapped her hands happily and jumped in her place.

"Mom... " Shlok shouted.

"See Dhwani didn't I tell this will be the best idea?" Her mother in law spoke winking at her.  Dhwani nodded her head smiling.

"You could have killed Your Own son woman" Shlok looked at his mother in disbelief. She shrugged her shoulders.

"You deserve the shock okay" she said casually.

"On behalf of?" asked he crossing his arms.

"Now spit that annoyance son. You are going to be a father. Behave" she said and walked off.

"I can't believe her" he said looking at his mother and then held his chest.

"Sok... Sok are you okay?" Dhwani asked concerned. 

He hugged her tightly. "Nothing can make me relax than this" he said and Dhwani covered his stomach.

"So you are not happy?  I knew it. I told mom also that you will not be happy" She looked at him sadly.

He leaned to kiss her deeply.

"Now you believe I am happy?" he touched her forehead with his.

She smiled and her eyes filled with tears as his hand moved over her stomach.

"Our baby" he whispered with his sparkling eyes and Dhwani could really feel his happiness.

It was best feeling she ever had felt. She was the reason who made her husband most happiest person.

And what more she could have asked?

"Now onwards you are going to follow my rules" Shlok looked at her strictly.

"Oh no. No rules. Your rules are like spiders scary" Dhwani looked down with her wide eyes.

"I am not hearing anything blah blah blah..." Shlok started to sing loudly closing his ears with his fingers.

"Sok.. Sok that's not fair" she pouted looking at him.

"Arghhh" Dhwani stamped her foot annoyed and started to walk away when she was dragged back by Shlok.

He lifted her in his arms.

"Rule number one where you are going you will go with this personal palanquin of yours" he smiled and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Let me down Sok I am not following your rules" she waved her legs.

But her husband was not in a mood to comply to her requests threatenings or anything.

The whole night passed Shlok making a big list of rules Dhwani has to follow and Dhwani sulking at every rule like her husband had lost his mind over the news already.

There looked no hope that she will get away from his torturous love for the coming months.

"Sok I will go to Zorro if you make me follow all this" Dhwani fumed pointing at his note pad.

"No... No Mrs. Shlok please don't say like that" he requested.

"Fine I will scrap out some rules" he pouted cutely.

She still glared him.

"Okay fine some more" he striked out some more.

"more than this no I can't" he raised his hand in surrender and Dhwani jumped to hug him.

He fell on his back and Dhwani giggled looking at him.

"You are cute budhuram" she kissed his cheek.

"Okay fine" he gave up and she chuckled and he dragged her kissing her lips and she as usual giggled.

That's it.

You have to wait for the further chapters.

I hope the story had good progress till here

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