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Anika sadly sat at her bed. It was the third time in last seven months she had tested her possibility to become pregnant after abortion. 

"You drank the milk Pooh Bear?"

Anika wiped the traces of tears when she heard Ansh's voice approaching the room.

Ansh chuckled hearing Dhwani and Anika smiled at him weakly.

"So listen to your husband okay. Milk is good for health. I will call you in the afternoon" Ansh disconnected the call looking at Anika who avoided his gaze.

"Hey" he smiled sitting beside her. Anika just smiled at him controlling her tears.

"You're okay?" he asked bending towards her.

"Yeah..." she spoke in the rasp voice after gulping down the cry.

"I'm good" She turned to him.

"What was Bhabi saying?" she narrowed her eyebrows trying to cover the pain in her throat.

"Anika... " he dragged her placing her head on his chest.

"The way you can tell when I am telling a lie, I can do the same" he looked up.

"You tested again didn't you?" he cupped her face.

She bit her lower lip trying to suppress the cry and nodded her head positively.

"I told you. Why to hurry about it? We don't need to rush to take the responsibility of being a parent. You can always start your career instead and this is not the end of your life. Having children watching them grow. There are plenty of things you should concentrate and I am not going to listen anything else. You will be starting your own interior design firm in a month" he calmed her while she protested.

"And when you will love yourself and your dream you will really know what life is" he smiled kissing her forehead.


"Sok... Stop it" Dhwani cried when Shlok continued to splash water on her.

"When you do it? Now isn't it fun?" asked he splashing some more water.

"I just wanted to take revenge for making me drink that yuck milk" She said with her closed eyes and trying to wipe off the water.

She tried to reach the bucket to take the water but slipped but her husband caught her on time but he was also about to fall so held the shower knob.

They both stood drenching in the shower water droplets.

Dhwani giggled and Shlok also while she rested herself on the tile wall behind he held her from falling.

"Turn the shower Off budhuram" Dhwani spoke trying to open her eyes.

Shlok turned it off and nuzzled her nose with his.

She giggled again. "How are we going to get out of here?" Dhwani asked looking around the messy bathroom.

"Who wants to get out by the way. I came to have shower. Who told you to follow me?" he teased her.

"But I am here so you can't have shower budhuram" Dhwani stuck her tongue out.

"Why do you think so?" he asked and unbuttoned his shirt removing it completely and now towered Dhwani. Her cheeks turned red and she tried to look away from him covering her mouth.

"Don't behave like you haven't seen me at all Mrs. Shlok" he  leaned to her ear whispering..

She looked up at him and he lost himself in her eyes.

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