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Anika left a breath as he saw her husband sitting blankly staring. While she walked to him she found him drifting his gaze to his mobile phone.

She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. Ansh was startled for a moment. "Pooh Bear" he blurted but then his brain which had sensed the foreign touch responded making his smile disappear and the tears remained in the eyes. He gulped down the sore lump when he found his wife settling beside him.

"Ansh" she called and he did not look at her not willing to show his vulnerable state. "Why are you punishing yourself?" she bent trying to meet his eyes. Ansh still did not responded. "Damn" she dragged his phone and unlocked it. "Why don't you just call her?" she spoke while searching for Dhwani's number.

Ansh who was alerted grabbed his phone back right before Anika could hit the call button and locked it safely. "I... I don't want to call right now" he looked away so that his wife doesn't catch the lie. But he failed miserably.

"Seriously?" she threw her hands in air frustrated and sat folding her hands across her chest. Ansh closed his eyes once and took a deep breath. There was no one right now in his life whom he could share his true feelings. All his life he had cloaked his feelings behind either a smile or coldness. Something inside him was breaking slowly because all these days who kept him sane from loosing was not there anymore. His baby sister who not just meant his world but also the solace when he was so desperate to break down.

"I... am sorry" he spoke softly and that emotion in his voice just melted Anika's heart and she relaxed her muscles and turned to look at her husband who was sitting with his hands tangled between his hair. "Ansh" her voice had all the emotions she held right now. She could not see him this way and to cheer him up she could do anything right now.

Slowly taking his hands in hers she placed her head on his shoulder and Ansh sat straightening himself and watched his wife. "It's okay" she whispered. "It's okay to be emotional" she looked up at him. He locked his gaze with her.

"I know you are missing your Pooh Bear terribly and it's... it's not bad. She has been attached to you from the time she knows this world. And she made you feel better in every worst situation. Though she was not the solution for your problems but she was your strength. I totally understand that" she stretched her lips forming a thin line.

"And I don't want you to miss her so badly. Talk to her, I know just her voice can cheer you up" she smiled at her husband. "I..." he failed to reply. "I don't mind if you call your sister every hour to just to listen to her voice" she chuckled. Ansh smiled this time.

"She was more than my world. People kept talking that she won't survive without me. But the truth is I am the one who can't survive without her" he bent his head and felt some amount of lifted off his heart suddenly. Anika pressed his hand and he smiled weakly.

"I don't know.. I... I just don't know why I can't accept that she no more needs me" his voice choked. "Ansh" Anika sat up and held his shoulder. "I don't want this life where my Pooh bear isn't with me" he looked at Anika with his glassy eyes.

He was breaking down and Anika hated to see him like that. Her heart was drowning in grief. "Ansh look at me" she made him face her. "She will always need you" she smiled at him. "Don't think that way. She is just getting used to the new life" Anika tried to reason.

"I.. I know. And that's what is hurting me. What if she forgets me? What if someday she just don't want to even talk to me?" he hiccuped. "Aren't you proving Papa's genes more than Mamma's?" Anika gave him a weird look. Ansh looked at her confused.

"I mean look at you how dumbly you are talking? Dhwani will forget her Zorro and she will not want to talk to you? I mean are we in some other dimension where things happen whatever we think like?" she nodded her head rolling her eyes.

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