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Dhwani's eyes widened when she saw Anika this morning. It was her godh Bharai while she arrived to her mother's place to stay and her baby bump had grown big.

"Bhabi... You ate too much. You have become so fat" Dhwani spoke shocked. Anika chuckled looking at her.

"Dhwani it's the baby" Her mother in law spoke. "The baby is here?" asked Dhwani pointing to Anika's stomach and she nodded agreeing.

Dhwani placed her finger but quickly drew it back feared.

"I will hurt the baby sorry" she looked up at Anika.

"Nothing will happen bhabi give your hand" Anika forwarded her palm and Dhwani complied.

She placed Dhwani's palm on her stomach.

The baby kicked which brought a huge grin on Dhwani's face and she was shocked.

"It did something" she looked at Anika with wide eyes.

"I think it's mini Zorro because it responded to Pooh Bear's touch when it did not even responded to its father's touch" Anika chuckled.

"Ansh was trying to get a kick from it from morning. But as soon as it sensed Pooh Bear's touch it kicked" Anika explained.

"It's kicking?" Dhwani asked curious.

"Why?" asked she confused.

"Like father like daughter" Ragini who entered the mansion spoke hearing her.

"Mumma... " Dhwani squealed happy hugging her mother.

She then looked behind searching for her father. Ragini who now walked to Anika signing her to sit looked at Dhwani.

"Whom are you searching?" asked Ragini.

"Where is Paa? " she turned to her mother. "He is in some meeting he won't be able to come" Ragini reasoned.

Dhwani's face fell. Shlok who was serving the tea to everyone looked at Dhwani sad and walked to her.

"Missed me? " Dhwani's eyes widened in surprise.

"Paa... " she screeched happily hugging her father.

"You are so bad mumma" Dhwani whined. "Aww I just wanted to see that huge smile on your face baby sorry" she held her ears while Dhwani pouted turning to her mother.

Then she smiled and hugged her father again.

"I missed you Paa. So much" she stretched her hands and Sanskar smiled kissing her forehead.

And that made Shlok also smile.

The Godh Bharai rituals started and all showered Anika with gifts. She was smiling widely while Ansh sat beside her.

Shlok looked at Dhwani who was with her parent and enjoyed being in their company.

He smiled finding her happy.

He did the ritual and handed Anika Her gift which he and Dhwani selected.

"Dhwani..." he called while she was walking towards the kitchen. She did not stop.

"Dhwani please yaar" he held her wrist. "I am sorry" he apologized.

"You told a lie Sok and if you ask sorry it will not become a truth" she turned to him angry.

"I know it will not... But if you forgive me I will feel a bit better" he looked down feeling guilty.

"If we wouldn't have gone for shopping to get Bhabi a gift I wouldn't have known at all" she wiped her nose.

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