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"Hadn't I told you enough times to stay away from her?" Ansh asked Shlok who got himself released from Ansh's hold.

"I was okay and then Diya  said  that Dhwani was missing so I obviously got worried" Shlok brushed his shirt.

Ansh now turned to his half sister glaring and she felt herself falling in a deep pit of darkness.

"Bro... I.." Diya struggled to speak in her brother's intense gaze.  "Why did you do that?" he gritted his teeth and that made Diya panic more.

"Ansh stop" Shlok stood beside Diya and hugged her to console.

He patted her head while she sobbed. "I only had called her. So she just told me. It was my mistake" Shlok defended Diya.

She looked at him with gratitude and he just nodded his head.

"Ansh you need to relax dude. Actually I took her out" Shourya raised his hand in surrender.

Ansh looked at his friend in disbelief.

"Didn't I tell?" Anika spoke. Shourya looked at her confused.

"Anika quite" Ansh signed her.

"Oh why should I be quite Now? The time you were blaming my brother that was okay. But now when Now it is proved your so called friend took bhabi out you want me to stay quite. Wow Ansh will you ever try not to be hypocrite?" Anika crossed her arms.

"Baby... No" Shlok signed her not to stir the topic.

"Why bro? why should I keep calm. He is being blind when he can see.  That day also he turned blind when all could see how much you love Bhabi. Now also he is trying to be blind when he knows he is wrong. Can't he see how much his sister is suffering due to his decisions. All say you are Dhwani's mother don't they but listen Mr. Ansh Raheja you don't deserve to be referred that. You don't even deserve to be called as her brother" Anika snapped at him.

Shlok reached her and tried to stop.

"Which mother lets Her kid suffer so much. You know she cries. All night she cries and mumbles Her husband's name all the time. Have you seen my bro?  Does he even look like he wants to live this life?  If it was like how you blamed him then why hadn't he moved on?" she released herself from Shlok's hold and moved towards her husband.

"You know why because he needs nothing in this marriage. Nothing and he never ever considered her as a burden. You know when I was sure, when the whole world was sure that he is gonna only suffer in this marriage he stood strong and you know what he told me

She isn't my problem. She is someone I know I need in my life. She is not someone I want to lean on when I get frustrate with life. She is the one who will cheer me up and never let me reach a point to regret anything in my life. I know it. I know it from the time we first talked." Anika looked at her brother painfully.

"Yes he had girlfriend and I had told Bhabi also you know how she reacted? she was very sad that there was some one her husband loved but when I told her how my brother was almost dead after the break up all she cared was how much pain bro had gone through. She wanted to make him happy and I told her that my bro who looked like he had lost his soul was happy with her. He was happiest with her. She made him what he is today. " Anika looked at Dhwani.

"What wrong he did if he helped his ex girlfriend who was struggling to have a living because the moron she chose over my brother left her. He cared for her as a human being and I am proud of my bro for showing that all he considers someone is as a human being though they hurt him" she looked up at Shlok emotionally.

"Like now even when you had only blamed him, he is feeling bad for you" she glared Ansh.

"Ani" Shlok rubbed her shoulders to calm her down.

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