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Suddenly Shlok's sleep was interrupted and he slowly opened his eyes hearing sobs.

He looked at Dhwani skeptically. She was facing her back to him.

"Dhwani" he called but she did not turn.

"Hey" he placed his hand on her shoulder this time and turned her gently.

He got worried when he saw her face smeared with the tears.

"What happened?" he neared her a bit cupping her one cheek.

She kept sobbing.

"Dhwani. What's wrong?  You need anything? Or anything happened?" he asked as his worries went on increasing.

He wiped her cheeks softly.

"Sok" she hiccuped.

"Tell na. You are scaring me" he narrowed his eye brows.

"Zorro" she pouted sadly.

He for a second could not understand.

Then he realized what she actually meant.

"Dhwani. Don't cry please" he pleaded her.

"See early in the morning I will call your Zorro. Okay? Now it's late night. We shouldn't disturb their sleep right?" he asked and Dhwani looked at him pouting.

"I'm not getting sleep Sok" she looked at him.

He slowly dragged her in his embrace and patted her head.

He hummed a tune which instantly cooled Dhwani and she started falling in the deep slumber.

After a while when looked down found her sleeping peacefully and his lips curved up.

He leaned placing a soft caring kiss on her forehead and caressed her hair gently.

The night was new. He never had let anyone so close to him. And he had never ever tolerated anything of this level for anyone.

Dhwani was changing him though  and he did not minded it for the first time in his life.

As he was closing his eyes he felt a knock on his door.

He quickly walked to the door and looked at Dhwani while he opened the door checking if she is still asleep.

He turned his gaze and found Ansh barging inside.

He acted quickly and held Ansh and pushed him out and closed the door behind slowly as he saw Dhwani stirring in her sleep.

"Shhh" Shlok closed Ansh's mouth as he was ready to blurt.

"Stop" he whisper yelled glaring Ansh.

"She slept just five minutes back Ansh. She will wake up" he whispered and dragged Ansh with him as he was trying to go towards the door.

"Is she fine? I don't think so. I feel so restless like she is not good" Ansh looked at Shlok helplessly.

"I'm sorry" Shlok apologized when he realized it was really rude the way he behaved. But he really did not wanted Dhwani's sleep to be disturbed.

She was tired due to the heavy make up and ornaments she was wearing from the time the rituals began.

"I understand totally" he said raising his eyebrows.

"But she is tired. I really wish you talk to her right now because believe me she was missing you just some time ago. But I thought we will disturb you so I somehow convinced her to sleep" he looked at Ansh as his expressions changed.

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