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Shlok had no way than zoning out during most part of the meeting. When the delegates clapped their hands at the end of the presentation he finally looked around. Lucky for him that he had no presentation to present. He instructed his assistant to make a moments of the meeting.

Shlok always believed that the best way of utilizing the meeting time is to listen keenly rather than reading the moments of the meeting. But today was an exception.

Though he wanted to spend the most part of his day in the office he was restless. His heart was experiencing an undefinable pain and there was no cure to it.

All he could do was just flinch as each second passed. He glanced at the mobile phone several times. If it was like any other normal day he would have received a call from his wife. But... It wasn't the normal day.

Still he wished he could hear her voice. If he knew on the other end also the emotions were mutual. He sighed picking his phone and caressed the number on the screen. Closing his eyes tightly he put aside the mobile phone.

What will he explain her? Will she understand his feelings or emotions? He forgot that though she had taken a bit time but she has reciprocated his feelings in her own way.

Dhwani was lost as she sat in her room on the swing. Ansh worried standing at the door looking at his sister. Anika signed him to go talk to her but he nodded his head nervously.

"Ansh" Anika whispered and glared him and he just walked from there annoyed. "What is wrong with you?" she asked him as they reached their room. "What is wrong with me? What is wrong with her?" he asked. "You were supposed to find it out" she gave him a serious look and he looked up defeated.

"I want to find it out but I don't know I will be able to control my tears if she breaks down. We both will be nothing more than crying messes" he looked at his wife and Anika did not disagree on that.

"Why don't you ask her?" he suggested. "Sure. She will tell me the things she has not told you" Anika mocked. "It doesn't matter how much time we spend with each other but how comfortable we make the other" he looked into her eyes.

"Fine. I will try. If she is not telling me you have to take her to Ragini mom" she crossed her arms. "Deal" he smiled at her. Anika walked from there nodding her head.

"Bhabi" she sat beside Dhwani. Dhwani who was in her own world looked at Anika. "Um.." Anika did not understood how to start the conversation. "Why are you sad?" she asked directly.

"You directly asked her dumbo. She will start crying now" Ansh who was watching them standing at the door hit his forehead.

Anika also realized her mistake but the damage was already done.

Dhwani did not answer but her sadness only grew. Anika worried looking at her.

"Did Bhai said anything?" she asked concerned placing a hand over Dhwani's shoulder. Dhwani had no more tolerance and burst into a bitter cry and hugged Anika. Anika knew she had hit the correct string. It was about her brother. But what he could have possibly done.

"Pooh bear..." as expected Dhwani's brother could not hold his tears back and walked to her. Dhwani hiccuped and tried to bury her cry but she could not do it. "Why are you crying?" he asked kneeling in front of her.

"Did Shlok hurt you?" he asked and Dhwani nodded her head in No. "I can't share it with you" she looked into his eyes. "Why?" he asked.

"Because Sok doesn't like me sharing our time with anyone" she looked down. Ansh looked at her confused and Anika was shocked. She could clearly understand how important was Shlok to Dhwani. She was trying to suppress the habit she had cultivated of sharing everything with her brother because she did not wanted him to face humiliation due to her.

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