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Dhwani huffed.  Her eyes turned into slits because of glaring.

"Sok.... " she shouted on top of her voice.

Shlok who was having his break fast in the dining room choked on his food hearing his wife's scream.

He quickly ran towards his room.

"What happened Biwi?" he asked panting for breath as he stopped at the door facing his wife.

"She is not letting me go out" she pointed down.

He looked down and his little daughter was standing placing her both the hands on the door awning blocking Dhwani. .

"Dad's orders

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"Dad's orders. He told mom should not step out of the room" she looked at Dhwani.

Shlok chuckled hearing her. Dhwani glared him crossing her arms.

"You had fever remember? So I made Sherry in charge till I had break fast" he stated lifting his daughter in his arms.

"I am good Sok" she tried to move out of the room but again was blocked by Shraddha.

"Dadda told mom won't go out means mom won't go out" she said strictly.

Dhwani stamped her foot and walked back to the balcony and sat miffed on the swing.

Shlok smiled. He kissed his daughter's cheek lovingly.

"Dadda's duty over. Go and play with Dadi okay" he said forwarding a chocolate.

Shraddha grabbed it happily kissing his cheek and ran out of the room as soon as he left her down.

Shlok exhaled and walked to the balcony and sat beside Dhwani who twisted her lips.

"Sorry" he held his ears cutely.

"I am not a baby Sok...  I am her mother. I should take care of her na. But she takes care of me" she complained.

"You still are my baby Jaan. You will always be my baby" he hugged her and she relaxed not able to be angry on her husband.

He placed his palm over her forehead to check the temperature.

He relaxed when it hadn't increased.

"You ate the tablets?" he asked. "Yeah. I ate those yuck tablets" she twisted her lips.

"BM.... " they startled hearing a scream.

"Oh my god BM" a boy older than Shraddha ran to hug Dhwani snaking his hands across her neck.

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