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When Ragini walked to her room she couldn't help but adore what she witnessed.

Dhwani was sleeping in Sanskar's lap and talking to him. And Sanskar stroking her hair and listening to her stories.

"Then na... Sok taught me how to make the toast. Paa that's so easy to make na... And sok warned me to be very careful" she stretched her hands.

"Sok is good isn't he?" Sanskar asked.

"He is the best... You know today morning also he got hurt but he let me come here" she said smiling.

"Shlok got hurt?" Ragini approached them and Dhwani sat up beside Sanskar. Dhwani nodded her head.

"How?" Ragini sat on other side of Dhwani.

"Wo na mumma. I was running and suddenly that stupid pole came and I was about to hit it. Sok came and stood in front of me. Instead of hitting the pole I hit sok and then sok hit the pole" Dhwani explained innocently.

She felt bad when she explained it. Sanskar looked at her and then at Ragini.

Ragini assured him she will explain Dhwani.

"Baby" Ragini cupped her daughter's One cheek.

"I am so bad mumma. Because of me Sok got hurt and I am enjoying here and he is in pain there" Dhwani pouted with tears in her eyes.

"No baby. You aren't bad. He only sent you right?" Ragini asked and Dhwani nodded her head.

"He told if I come here he will be okay" she said and her lips curved up a bit.

"Then you should check if he is okay" Sanskar rubbed Dhwani's shoulder.

"I should?" she asked turning to her father.

He shook his head with a smile.

"How?" she placed the hand under her chin and gave a thoughtful expression.

"By this" Sanskar forwarded a gift box to Dhwani.

"Gift?" Dhwani's eyes sparkled as she smiled widely.

She grabbed the box and opened it curiously. "Phone?" she showed the brand new phone to Sanskar.

He smiled at her. Ragini caressed her daughter's hair from back.

"Mumma. My phone. My new phone" Dhwani squealed happy.

"But I don't know to use it" she sat pouting looking at Sanskar

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"But I don't know to use it" she sat pouting looking at Sanskar.

"When Paa is here why to fear?" he asked pointing to himself.

"It's a voice activated phone. So whatever you want to do just say hey Siri and tell whatever you want it to do" Sanskar explained Her.

"Try it" Sanskar signed her.

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