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Dhwani peeped inside the kitchen looking for her mother in law. She pouted and walked from there and reached Mr and Mrs Trivedi's room. “Mom” she pushed the door of the room. Her eyes narrowed in worry as she saw her mother in law lying on the bed and her father in law sitting beside her.

“Mom” she swiftly walked inside. “What happened to you?” she sat holding her hand. “Oh my god” she dropped the hand. “Your hand is so hot” she said with wide eyes. “You have fever?” she placed the back of her hand on forehead to check. “It's burning” she dragged her hand away.

“Slight fever Dhwani, nothing to worry” her father in law tried to calm her. “But dad she is burning” she turned her head to look at him. “I have given her the tablets. She will be fine” he smiled at her. “Mom what did you eat?” Dhwani looked at her mother in law.

“Nothing. Just a glass of milk” she replied trying to sit. “Don't get up” Dhwani whined. “Who will cook the food then? Everyone needs break fast.” she replied. Dhwani looked around thinking.

“I will make” Dhwani said determined. Mrs Trivedi worried remembering the last blunder in the kitchen and Shlok's reaction to it. “No...no... Your husband will destroy the whole world with his tandav then” she replied to which her husband chuckled. She glared him and he muffled with his laughter. “At least you are scared of one thing” he responded. “Tandav?” Dhwani asked scratching her head.

“I mean he will be angry” her mother in law cleared. “Oh...” Dhwani formed an O with her mouth. “Sok” she screamed with all the strength she had. Her in laws covered their ears hearing her.

Shlok who was adjusting his tie looking at the mirror stumbled hearing his wife's scream. “Dhwani...” he worried and walked out of the room searching for her. First he looked inside the kitchen because that was where she told she will go. Then walked to his parent's room.

“Dhwani...” he reached his wife. “What happened to you? Why did you scream?” he asked cupping her face. “Mom is having fever” she pointed at her left. Shlok looked at her confused then turned his head and found his mother lying on the bed. “Mom...” he neared her. “What happened?” he asked. “Slight fever. I have taken the tablets and will be fine” she said.

“Okay” he said relaxing. “Sok” Dhwani called him. “Now what?” he asked his wife. “Everyone needs breakfast” she pouted. “Okay I will order it. Is that fine?” he asked her. She nodded her head negatively. He looked at her confused. “Mumma says we should not eat the food from outside if we have fever” she said innocently.

“Oh” he said and stood thinking. “Shall I cook?” she pleaded him. “No ways” he refused. “Please na Sok” she requested. “No Dhwani. You are gonna hurt yourself” he held her by her shoulders. “Then what will mom eat?” she asked. “Let me think” he walked out of the room.

“Sok...” she whined and walked behind him. Mr and Mrs Trivedi smiled looking at them.

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