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Dhwani's eyes gleamed with happiness when she ran to the door of Rawat Mansion immediately getting down from the car. Ansh smiled looking at his little sister's excitement. He walked behind her to reach the door.

“Paa” Dhwani screamed as soon as she placed the first step and looked excited scanning every bit of the mansion searching the other piece of her heart. Sanskar who was standing looking at Ragini and Sahil who were once again arguing over something heard her and his eyes went wide. Finally his daughter was home. Though it was just few days he felt like it was long long ago.

He walked towards the door and Dhwani ran to him as soon as she found him and jumped to hug him and Sanskar twirled her covering protectively. “I missed you so.... much” she stood and stretched her hands and Sanskar chuckled through his tears. Finally life was merciful to him and he got the love of his daughter which he always wished for.

“So bad. You did not miss any of us?” Yohan asked pouting like a small kid. All the family members stood there with him with the same expression. Dhwani squealed and rushed to them and she stopped just a step before.

“Baby?” Ragini looked at her confused face. “How will I hug all of you?” she asked looking up. “Awww” everyone said in unison and moved to her to cover her. Dhwani chuckled shrugging her shoulders looking at her big happy family which loved her the most.

“Ohho. Stop suffocating my Pooh bear. Will you?” Ansh came taking Dhwani aside. “Lo aagaya Dhwani ka mummy” Sahil rolled his eyes. Ansh gave a fake smile to Sahil. “Any doubt?” he asked his father and Dhwani hugged her brother.

“I missed you the most Zorro” she snaked her hands across his neck and Ansh caressed her hair lovingly. All the family member looked at him and he raised his chin showing how proud he was.

“Of course neither Dhwani nor her mumma missed this poor mamu right?” they heard Vikram's voice and turned. “Bhayyu” Ragini rushed to her brother and then Dhwani walked along with Ansh to reach Vikram and hugged him from the other side. “All the 100 % of your deserving love will be with your bacha. The other's love will be just dissipating” Sanskar stood beside Vikram.

“Right” the whole family spoke in chorus. “That's true” Vikram grinned at Sanskar. “Where is Kumud and Mami?” asked Dhwani scanning behind Vikram.

“Your Kumud and Mami along with dad and mom have gone to Laksh's London's mansion for a vacation. Kumud is getting an admission there.” Vikram spoke and Dhwani pouted sad. “She is going to college” she said sadly.

“Pooh bear” Ansh rubbed his sister's shoulder as he guessed she was sad because Kumud being younger to her was moving forward in her life. She was getting education and in sometime she will have a career like her Ananya Dee.

“Hey baby” Sanskar cupped his daughter's face and made her to look at him. “You have the best thing in life don't you?” he asked her and she looked at him confused.

“Your Zorro” she smiled widely. “And we have to let go of few things when we get the best thing isn't it?” he looked at her and she nodded her head positively.

“That's like my good bacha” he said dragging Dhwani covering her in his embrace. Ragini wiped the tear at the edge of her eye and Sanskar smiled at her assuring.

“Now. The main point. Dhwani have only today. So I have divided everyone's time with her. So that she doesn't get suffocated due to the extra... extra... extra love of her huge huge huge family” Ashish left a breath to relax and all looked at him.

“And it was ordered by Dhwani ke Zorro. So no need to give me death glares” he said and all looked at Ansh with shock. “Okay...” Ansh dragged the word. “What's wrong with you people? Not seen a bit protective brother?” he asked.

“A bit? Ms. Collider. This is all your genes. My son can't complete a sentence without sarcasm” Sahil looked at Ragini. “Be thankful Mr.Day Vampire. He is grown smart in my company” she said proudly. Ansh hugged her and Ragini stuck her tongue out at Sahil who twisted his lips.
“Will they ever grow up?” asked Ruhan. “Something really impossible” Ananya nodded her head and Ruhan raised his hand to give her a high five and Ananya also. They stopped in mid air and caressed the back of their head and acted like they don't even remember each other.

“Bro code” Ananya nodded her head and Ruhan agreed to it nodding his head.

“Come on come on you know your time” Ashish clapped his hands and all the family members dispersed from there leaving Ragini and Sanskar to pamper their daughter for the allotted time slot. 


Shlok stirred in his sleep feeling uneasy. He huffed and then looked at his phone expecting a call. “You know we haven't discovered two things brother” Anika walked in with a food tray. The mobile slipped out of Shlok's hand but he grabbed it before it hit his chest.

He looked at his sister after sighing. “One. The phones calling each other on their own. And second. The AI system which will know what's running in your mind and do as it thinks. Like making a call” she grinned at her brother.

Shlok sat up with the help of his elbows and rolled his eyes. “Aww my bhai is blushing” she pulled his nose. “Ouch” he screeched as she pulled it  a bit hard.

“Stop it Boo” he said as he sat straight. “Now. Will you please have your lunch. I came here for pagphere bro not to nurse you” she complained. “Fine. Go now” he nodded his head.

Anika walked to the door and stopped. “Waise. You can call your Sala and ask him to give the phone to your wife whom you are missing from two hours” Anika chuckled and Shlok took a cushion to hit her but stopped as the pain shot up.

“Ouw” He winced in pain and placed the cushion beside him bringing his hand slowly down. He took the food tray and was ready to have food but held the morsel near his lips. His eyes darted look at his mobile.

“Damn” he placed the spoon back and took the phone and scrolled the names in contact and stopped at Ansh's number. 'Will he feel bad?' he thought before dialing the number. 'But' he sighed deep. 'Fine. Let him think whatever' he thought and dialed the number and waited for Ansh to pick the call.

His heart suddenly sky rocketed when Ansh received the call. “Hello” Ansh spoke and waited for Shlok to respond. “Hi” Shlok left a held breath while he wanted to relax his heart. “Yeah?” Ansh spoke. “I'm really really sorry Ansh to disturb you. But I just wanted to know Dhwani had her food?” he spoke in a breath.

Ansh was blank for a moment not able to form words and on the other side Shlok's eyebrows narrowed in tension thinking what Ansh might feel. “Um...” Ansh cleared his throat.

“Yeah. She just finished her lunch. And now she is with Dad and Diya” he said looking at Dhwani who was giggling while Sahil and Diya were fighting over a ludo match. “Is she okay?” Shlok asked immediately.

“Yup. You want to talk to her?” he asked walking towards Dhwani. “No” Shlok stopped him. “I.. I don't want to disturb her. She is happy that she is there. And that's enough” he smiled and Ansh confusingly smiled.

“Okay. Ansh enjoy your time with your Pooh bear” Shlok said and was ready to disconnect the call. “Shlok” Ansh stopped him. “Um...” he struggled to ask but Shlok guessed why actually Ansh stopped him.

“And regarding my Pooh bear. She also had her lunch and spending her time with mom” Shlok said and Ansh caressed his neck blushing. “Bye” he said and disconnected the call and Shlok smiled looking  at his phone.

He nodded his head placing it beside. He left a breath of satisfaction and took the spoon and ate the lunch this time without any hesitation. He smiled while his memories played of Dhwani. He did not realize how much has he got attached to her in such a short time.


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