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Shlok continued to place light pats on Dhwani's shoulder while she stirred a bit also in her sleep.

His eyes drooped due to the heaviness of sleep. With his half opened eyes he saw the time in the clock. It was 1 in the night.

Dhwani had been finding it very difficult to sleep from the time her seventh month started. And Shlok also could not sleep feeling her stirring beside him.

Though Dhwani tried to sleep away from him so that he gets sleep; he wasn't ready to let go of her just for sleeping peacefully but definitely he wouldn't have got peace away from his wife anyways.

"Sok" she spoke with her rasp voice looking at her husband who was finding it very hard to keep his eyes open.

"Still it's night biwi...." he yawned.

"Sleep" he adjusted his chin over her hair.

"It's hurting a bit" she said painfully.

"You overslept on one side" he looked at her.

"Turn that side" he said and she did. He woke up and moved to the other side.

Lying beside her  he adjusted her head over his chest.

"Better?" he asked and she nodded her head. He kissed her forehead caringly and let her sleep in that position.

"Sok" she called again when he was sleeping.

"Um.... " he mumbled with his close eyes.

"It's hurting. I can't sleep" she got up and rested her head on the head rest.

Shlok opened his eyes immediately and sat beside her. "You have to sleep Mrs. Shlok" he cupped her face.

"It's hurting Sok" she looked at him with teary eyes.

"Okay...okay.... Relax" he wiped her face.

"Try sleeping like this only" he brought her head placing it over his shoulder and rubbed her shoulder.

Dhwani's shoulders relaxed and she slept on Shlok's shoulder. Surprisingly it was more comfy position for her to sleep.

Shlok's mouth was half open when he felt the arrival of day and opened his eyes.

Dhwani was still sleeping. He carefully made her to lie on the bed and stretched his muscles to get rid of the pain in his back and neck.

His neck still hurt. With that he walked to the washroom and took a hot water shower hoping to get rid of the pain.

When he was buttoning his shirt he saw Dhwani sitting up holding her stomach.

He hated seeing her face twisted in pain. "Sok" she cried and he immediately rushed to her.

"Hey" he cupped her face. "It's still paining" she looked at him.

"Okay... We will go to the doctor and everything will be fine" he consoled her.

She held his hand tightly as the pain went on increasing.

"You remember Bhabi had got the pain like this?" she asked and he guessed her worry.

"It can be for some different reason Dhwani. Please don't panic" he looked at her painfully.

"Will you choose the baby?" she asked smiling through her tears squeezing his hand.

"You think I will choose anyone other than you? Don't even ask" he said controlling his emotions.

"But Sok... " she tried to speak.

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