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Dhwani rubbed her nose while Ansh patted her head.

"I don't want to leave so soon Zorro" she looked up at him with her swollen eyes.

He could not show her how broken he felt right now to see her in that state.

He dragged her to a warm hug and let her wet his shirt while he controlled his cries.

Somewhere in his heart he wished his baby sister to understand his turmoils. But was she capable of it was the real question..

Dhwani clutched his shirt more tightly when she heard the horn. She nodded her head vigorously.

"Ansh" Ragini walked inside and found Dhwani tightly holding Ansh. He looked at his mother helplessly.

She gave him an assuring nod. Ragini sat beside Dhwani and slowly caressed her daughter's hair.

"Baby" she called and Dhwani moved to hold Ansh more tightly.

"Hey" Ragini brought her daughter away from Ansh. But she still held her brothers hand.

"Why are you crying?" asked Ragini rubbing Dhwani's cheeks.

Dhwani hiccuped. "I don't want to go mumma. I don't want to leave Zorro and go" she spoke in between her sobs.

Ragini smiled weakly at her daughter. "Okay fine... Fine... Don't cry alright. We will send them back. But baby they are guests na we can't send them just like that. So let them have food okay. Then we will speak to them that you don't wanna go with them. Okay?" Ragini consoled Dhwani.

Ansh looked at his mother shocked. Dhwani nodded her head and Ragini smiled at Ansh and signed him to trust her...

"Now let us be the good host na? " Ragini asked and Dhwani nodded her head and walked out with Ragini.

Ansh kept looking at his sister and while she walked out he took the soft toy she was playing with.

"Even I wish you never go away from me Pooh Bear." he hugged the toy and looked up.

"Can't I keep my Pooh Bear forever with me please" he asked the divine power. When he got no answer he hugged the soft toy to let out all his emotions he was holding back.

Dhwani followed her mother hesitant. Sanskar who was holding a tornado inside his heart looked at his wife who straight walked to Shlok and stood in front of him.

Shlok eyes gleamed as he saw Dhwani who was standing behind Ragini.

"Namaste Aunty" he folded his hand and looked at Dhwani who was clutching her mother's hand.

"I'm sorry beta. But Dhwani doesn't want to go with you. So we have decided let her stay here with us. With her Zorro. And sorry about Anika. She has to be in her mother's home even after marriage"

Everything Ragini told did not enter his brain after she said Dhwani doesn't want to go with him.

His face fell and shoulders drop. His eyes went wide and he kept staring at Dhwani who was listening to her mother who was giving reasons.

"Shlok" Ragini called him and he then looked at his mother in law. "Biwi" Sanskar approached her.

"Our Dhwani isn't happy so we should not send her there" Ragini looked at her husband. He watched her in confusion..

"She is married now. We just can't take random decisions like this" Sanskar spoke.

Dhwani looked at her father. "You also had to leave your bhayyu after marriage. And if not were we be able to build such beautiful life?" asked he.

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