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The sunlight seeped inside the room through the windows and made Shlok open his eyes trying to adjust them to the brightness.

His eyes moved to the very first person he always wanted to see when he woke up.

Dhwani was fast asleep covering his stomach with her hand and her head over his chest.

He looked at her for a longer than ever this time. How can he not love his life when she was in it.

A smile crept over his lips while he watched her more and never got tired. It was his daily routine to watch her while she slept. He  wanted her face to fill his memory so that he can survive the day when he was away working in office.

But today he needed more of it. Because he was flying out country for a deal which he avoided with all his will but couldn't actually be successful.

He had to stay away from her for a week. Although he convinced Dhwani past twenty days that he will be back soon and the time will pass even she will realize he did not convince himself the case will be same for sure.

It was going to be the worst week of his life he knew already. But there was this constant fear growing inside him as each day neared. Something will hurt his dear wife. Something will hurt her emotionally or physically. She won't be okay without him. And although she showed immense courage of coping up he knew it was a white lie.

His heart started to swell at the thought and he started drawing circles on her back. He always did it when he was anxious.

Dhwani who felt the moving finger of her husband on her back slowly opened her eyes straining them.

She looked up at Shlok who was watching her so lost that he did not even realize she was awake.

"Good morning Sok" she moved to his cheek kissing it lovingly. He smiled out of his trance and nuzzled her nose.

She reached her phone to check the time which lay at the side of the bed and her eyes went wide with the realization that they had overslept.

"Sok...  Why didn't you wake me up. You will be late." she jerked him sitting on the bed.

"Dhwani... " he called her. "Oh god you will miss your plane and then your meeting... I am such a stupid girl. I should have kept the alarm. You always forget to do it on right days...." she tied her hair in a bun her mother in law taught her to do so that all the hair strands stayed away from her face and helped her to see the things clearly when needed the most.

Shlok nodded his head.

"Get up Sok. What are you doing still?" she moved away from him.

He felt the gap and grabbed her by her shoulder. She turned to him with a confused look.

His heart was feeling weird and how is he supposed to tell her this.

He did not wanted to be deprived of her presence even for the shortest time.

He looked into her eyes hoping she will understand his turmoils.

His hope did not go in vain. She felt his sadness but she did not understood how to give him a freedom from it.

"Sok" she relaxed beside him.

He side hugged her and she looked confused. He took a deep breath like he was breathing every moment with her.

Like there will be no another moment.

"Are you okay Sok?" she asked concerned.

"Hmmm" he hummed. "You don't look like. Shall I call mom?" she looked up at him and he chuckled through his glassy eyes.

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