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Ansh was under nervous break down could be the right word to define his state currently.

He squeezed his hands one more time and looked at the door of the emergency ward.

Anika screamed One more time and his heart still dropped. He just wanted to be by her side.

A tear tripped his eye at the thought of his wife's pain.

Yohan sat beside him rubbing his shoulder to console him.

"Hey champ. Everything will be fine okay" Yohan whispered and Ansh nodded his head.

"I am glad you won't roam around telling you gave birth again" Ansh chuckled and Yohan glared him and joined him.

"Baby is crying.... Baby is crying.." Dhwani who had her ear pressed to the door started to screech and panic.

"Baby is crying..." she was ready to enter the room but luckily Shlok held her.

"Sok baby got hurt. Baby is crying" she looked up at him sadly and ready to start crying.

"No Wifey. It's not hurt. Its just crying" he nodded his head.

"Why will it cry simply Sok? I know they are beating it" she looked angry.

"No Biwi. They might be giving it a bath" Shlok looked thoughtful.

"So why will baby cry. Taking bath is good right?" she asked innocently.

"Might be baby is like your Bhabi. She is very lazy about taking bath" Shlok chuckled and Dhwani pouted.

He smiled at her and the nurse came out holding the baby in her hands.

"See baby" Shlok signed her to turn.

Ansh and all the family members moved to get a glimpse of it. Dhwani watched it with curious eyes.

"It is so small" she squealed looking at it and then turning to Shlok who nodded his head smiling.

The nurse started to take the baby inside.

"Why is she taking away the baby?  It will cry again" Dhwani whined.

"They are just shifting Ani and baby to a room so that we will be able to see it okay" Shlok kissed her forehead and she relaxed.

After they shifted both Anika and the baby to the room the family members visited her.

"Who will hold the baby first?" Yohan asked. Everyone raised their hand and Dhwani watched them confused.

"Before everyone it's baby's buwa" Anika signed Dhwani who walked to her sister in law.

She sat beside Anika and she offered Dhwani to take the baby.

"No bhabi... I have never held such small baby. I never held any baby. I will drop it" Dhwani refused.

"I trust you Bhabi" Anika smiled.

"But I don't know how to hold it. If it starts crying?" she looked worried.

"Try it" Anika blinked her eyes.

Dhwani unsure held the baby in her arms and she felt she will drop the baby when Shlok supported her.

She looked at him surprised and the baby stirred in its sleep and they both admired it.

A tear tripped Dhwani's eye.  "Hey Pooh Bear what happened?" Ansh asked concerned.

"I am happy" she smiled. "I don't know why I cry when I am very happy" she looked at her brother.

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