As soon as I went on my break I instantly went to get the paper out of my pocket ..but it wasn't  there.


I reached into my back pocket. Wasn't there.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. This can not be happening."

I always tend to lose stuff. It was like my gift.

Irresponsibility. Gotta love it. I walked back up to the front to see if it was on the floor or anywhere in that location. Nothing. I even picked up the fucking mat, looked in the garbage. Nothing. Fuck.


Oh fuck. I recognized this voice anywhere. It was my boss Kar. Here we go with this bullshit. You see for one: Kar isn't his actual name. His name is like Laberion or some shit, but I guess he decided to change it. Two: This dude is rude asf. Three. He looks like an umpa lompa. The shit he does just irks, then he wants to be all nice when he needs you to stay. Fake ass.

"Yes Kar. What's wrong?"

"Nothing just this elderly lady gave me this paper saying that it was important, and that you  accidentally put it in her bag."

"Oh thank you. I was just looking for that."

I went to grab the paper, but the heifer pulled it back.

"Should I read it. Or rip it" 

I snatched the paper out of his hand starting to go to the back.

"Aloe we need you on register 6."

That just pissed me off. Dude knew I was going on my break, so what made him think that I would get on the register, plus your dumb ass really is childish. See this is the dumb shit I'm talking about.

" Well Kar... your gonna have to wait i still have 3 minutes of my break sooo."

I looked down at my phone to look at the time. Yes I know it was petty. 3 minutes, but I really didn't care. You would understand if you worked this bum ass job for almost a year.


I'm finally to the back. Iglanced at the note for like a second before Umpa came in talking about some:

"Your three minutes are up. Register 6. Aloe."

" Ill be there in about 55 seconds." I said looking at my timer on my phone.

"I dont think you get it sweetie. I said now."

"I heard what you said,and like i said..ill see you in 55 seconds".

He started to walk away, but I felt like being petty.

"Oh..and don't call me sweetie.. I'm not your valentine".
(A/N- that was hella lame.)

He rolled his eyes walking away.


It was now 9 p.m. Im finally off. Sitting in my car. With the note in my hand. I take a deep breath. I open it to read:

Thats all yall about to get.. A cliffhanger..omgg.
Im not about to edit this shit so here ya go. Lol.

 In My Head. [Billie E.]Where stories live. Discover now