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Aloe POV

Damn I miss Billie man.

It's literally my first day of senior year and hoes are already on my dick.

As soon as my ass walked on that fucking parking lot bitches want to be so nice to me..but I was a nobody last year. How tf that work?

Everyone's constantly trying to talk to me.

Like just leave me the fuck  alone. If you didn't fuck with me last year. What makes you think you're going to fuck with me this year?

I keep getting asked the same shit. Do you know Billie Eilish? Yes. Was that you in the hotel room? Yes. Is Billie gay? For me..fuck yeah. Are y'all dating? Nah bitch were married, but of course you know I have to say no to all of those questions or say it's none of your business.

I already know this year is going to be straight ass.

1st hour consisted of mf asking me all these questions. How did we meet? Why me? Blah blah blah.
Of course being an little hard ass I just told them to get of my tip and that I wouldn't give them any information. If you don't know I don't know type shit.

And that's how it basically went all day.


It's now my last hour of my day and I'm ready to fucking gooooo. You know the first day doesn't really consist of anything so I've basically been thinking about bil and it's driving me crazy.

This teacher wants us to play a get to know me game..like bitch this isn't 2nd grade, but aye anything for a grade right.

We all stood around in a circle. She gave the first person the ball telling us whoever we throw the ball at has to say their name and answer the question we ask them.

Oml here we go.

She handed the ball to this dude and his eyes were already locked on me.

He threw the ball a little forcefully at me. Dang I didn't know that was gonna happen.

" Did/do you know Billie Eilish?"
He had a smirk on his ugly ass hefty ass face.

I gave him the really look.

" my name is Aloe and to answer that,did you know your penis is little?"

Everyone was ooooing and laughing. The teacher of course told me that that wouldn't be allowed in her class blah blah blah. I don't give a fuck I just wanna go home.

I handed the ball to some random chick asking her what she wanted to do with her future, and the fame went so on and so on.
It's now like 10 min before class ended and I can't take it anymore.
I asked to go to the bathroom because I just need a break man.

"Take the pass"

I took that mf and ran my dude.
I finally got in one that was right around the corner. I shut the door locking it from the inside. Why would they have lols on the inside and not the outside. Dumb asses.

I leaned against the sink texting bil to call me while smelling a strong sent of weed before hearing a lighter click as someone walked out of a stall.

She had a mid brown hair color, pink lips, very round but beautiful face, and not going to lie she had a nice body.

" first day not so good?" She inhaled her blunt.

First off who smokes in a school bathroom... me. I mean I've changed but still..me.

" yeah. It's a little rough. Fucking ready to gooo."

She chuckled looking me up and down. She okay?

" yeah I get it. Aloe? Right like the plant?" She inhaled again.

" yep. Everyone knows my fucking name now."

Just another person tryna get close to me.

" yeah I get that. I'm Alex. Being related or knowing famous people sucks huh?" She Leaned against the sink next to me.

" huh?"

Her green eyes gave me the Really look.

" you don't have to hide the fact that you know someone baby. I'm related to a well known person so you don't have to act all rough. I know how it is."

And I o.

" I don't really give a fuck I'm not talking about it." She stared at me as I turned around looking in the mirror fixing my hair.

" Well hoe about we hang out sometime?" She put her hand out offering me the blunt.

" yeah. I don't think that's going to work. Neither one of those offers." I pointed between her and the blunt.

" wow. You refusing a blunt. That's crazy you used to be wild child. I guess that's changed huh?"

I didn't say anything back.

" well I hope what ever made you change is good for you."

I turned back around facing her.

" yeah the change I've made for myself is really good for myself. Thank you for caring tho, now if you would excuse me I have to answer this call."

I raised my phone up showing her I had an incoming call. I unlocked the bathroom door and started walking out as I saw her smirking finishing her roach.

" hello." I sang into the phone.

" hi baby how's the first day? Was it fun?"

I sat on the bench that was right outside the bathroom.

" Fuck no. I hate this. You are deadass so lucky baby."
My hangs ran through my face.

"I know"

That made me giggle.

" I just fuck. These kids getting on my nerves, all they ever ask is about you and it's literally pissing me off. Like bitch if you didn't talk to me last year what makes you think I want to talk to you now?"

I leaned back my head hit the wall.

"god come back before I murder someone." I whined.

" I'll be back in less than 24 hours baby. Just don't fuck someone up in that span of time."

"I'll try."

"Aye that's my girl. Look baby I have to go back I'm about to go on I'll call you when I'm done alright?"

" yeah. Knock em dead. I love you."

" I love you to mamas. Always remember that shit Ight?"

" yes ma'am go have fun."

" always do"

With that I hung up resting my head on the wall.

"aww that was cute." I heard a presence that was once before day.

God Fuck me in the ass.


Welp. Here y'all go. I thought y'all deserved this putting up with my bullshit. ❤️

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