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" Aloe"
" Aloeeeee"
" Aloe baby"
" Wake uppp"
Her  angelic voice was pissing me off. Like I can hear you. I'm just ignoring you.Get a fucking clue.

" I know your ass hear me, and I can tell your ass is up cuz of  your breathing don't make me drag you ass of this couch."

I was currently laying on my stomach. Arms wrapped around the pillow. " Fuck you" I mumbled taking an arm from under the pillow flicking her off. I felt a big ass sting on my ass.


" Get the fuck up now."

This bitch really just slapped the fuck outta my ass. I went back to laying down like I didn't hear her. I even flipped my head to look at her sticking my tongue out at her and closed my eyes. Not like she really was gonna drag me. I felt my feet being pulled I slid farther and father of the couch and the boom I was on the floor.
" BILLIE. That shit hurtt"

" I told your ass to get up you dont fucking listen so now shut the fuck up and live with the fucking consequences" She said calmly but aggressive.

Oui shit. Okay daddy. Damn.

She bent down grabbing my face harshly but not to bad and looking me in the eye.

" Now get your ass up so you can fix yourself so I can take you somewhere before the show.

" okay" I whispered.. but on the inside I was like... YES DADDY YELL AT ME. IMA BAD GIRL. PUT ME IN MY PLACE YESSS !! I honestly wanted to just say fuck me, but un uh its tooo early.

I got up and slowly walked to the bathroom looking all fucked up. Hair was a mess. Drool all up on my face. Clothes all messed up. Never should I look like this. I fixed everything that was wrong with me. I even rebrushed my teeth with my lil toothbrush I keep with me..because ion do stank breath. I exited the bathroom to see my baby in her preforming outfit. When i tell you my jaw dropped. That bitch was hanging on the floor. God damn she is beautiful. Never I could she be with a rat like me.

" you can close your mouth"

" shut up"

"Now come here and take my hand princess."

Princess? When she get all dominant tf.

"someone's dominate tonight."

" yeh I have my moments "

" YeH I hAvE mY mOmEnTs" I mocked her, "but we both know damn well-

" damn well what?" She came behind me.

" nothing"

" No what where you gonna say babygirl" she put her hand around my waist pulling me into her I could feel her mouth near my ear.

"n-nothing" I stood frozen in time.

" that's what I thought" she whispered in my ear. I felt my body shiver.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me the opposite direction. She really likes pulling people. Hehe I meant physical. Anyway..

We've walked up at least 10 flights of stairs. I'm highkey dying. My legs burn so bad.

" you good?"

" yeh. Girl. What? Do you think I'm weak? Cuz fuck no." Breathing fast due to being out of breath.

" mhm you look like your struggling tho.." she just stood there a smiled.

" nah I can take the stairs. I just bumped my foot against the wall yk. So I needed to take a break. I'm good tho"

" you want me to carry you?" She asked laughing at my ass because we both damn well knew it was my ass was out of breath.

" I don't need you to..but yes please."

She motioned me to get on her back, I climbed on wrapping my arms around her neck while she held my thighs.
" hold up"
I was sorta sagging down so she bumped me up a little.
" yeh"I replied.
" Did Aloe Rosemary just day please?" She looked back at me.
" Stfu and Getty up "


We ended up on the top roof of the venue. I could see a line full of people. We talked for a bit. She told me about earlier there was this group of girls and how they came so early to see her because that was the only time they would probably see her due to them not getting tickets. I was amazed at these kids. I was a big fan but damnnn. She ended up somehow working her magic and surprised them with tickets. That's my baby bow.

" you know I leave for my next show in the morning.."

I felt my body tense. God I just wish she lived here and not in fucking LA. The only reason she was here for about 5 days was due to interviews and stuff she had scheduled on previous days.

" yeh"

" mhm I just wan-

" shhh we will talk about this after your show I don't want you to get upset before baby". I put my fingers on her lips shushing her.

" let's just live in the moment" I pulled her into the dark so Incase any photo takers or anyone was around the wouldn't be able to see us.

I pushed her onto the concrete wall. I looked into her eyes. They even shine in the dark. Damn. I attached our lips together. They moved in sync. I licked her lip asking for entrances. It was accepted. I forgot her tongue for dominance. I won. Yk cuz I'm that bitch. I felt her hands go down to my ass. She grabbed my left cheek. She moaned into it after I sucked on her bottom lip.
I slowly started to move down to her neck. Leaving little kisses here and there. I found her pulse point and licked it. I heard a grunt. I slowly started sucking on her neck leaving love bites. She gonna hate me. She gotta hide that before she goes on stage. I went back to kissing on her lips before stopping I sucked then bit her lip.
" alright let's stop." I said outta breath.
" mm nooo not yet"
" we have to. I sorta did something and you have to cover it up before you get on stage". I grabbed my phone out.8:30. "Plus we were all supposed  to meet in the green room 10 minutes ago. So come on baby."

God knows I didn't want to stop, but it was better if I did. I didn't want anyone getting any thoughts but it's sorta late to think about that due to all the marks I made. Oops.I yanked her arm pulling her down the stairs.
A lil smut not to much just a lil taste yk oui.
Anyway thank you babes for reading.💋

 In My Head. [Billie E.]Where stories live. Discover now