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Aloes POV

The thought of Billie and I naked wrapped up in the new black silk sheets that I placed on her bed had me worked up.

The thought of all the things we could be doing right now was rushing through my head and wasn't making this dinner go by any smoother.

She looked so pretty sitting on the other side of the table talking to her manager. Her green roots falling on her mid face the rest being black that fell past her shoulder blades. The red T-shirt matched with her blue sweatpants with graphic designs all over made it no better because it fit her perfectly in every way. It was lose yet fitting to her form. I could see the outline of her shape when she walked. Many people probably wouldn't have noticed, but ya know it's because I've seen her naked too many times to count unlike others.

Guess you could say I'm special.

A few chains hung around her neck that were paired with her two rings that's sat on her finger.

I just sat admiring her beauty just adding fuel to the aching feeling in lower body.

Her laughter busted throughout the room causing me to produce a smile. I love her laugh. It's one of my favorite things about her after all. The way her nose would scrunch up and her eyes lighted up would be the death of me.
They continued to talk as I just sat there admiring and stuffing my face.
A bitch still gotta eat.

After a while of them conversing her eyes fell on me making my cheeks hot with a rosey tint to my melanin. Her lips formed into a smirk when she saw me change colors. As her managers continued their conversation without her she stared at me with a puzzeled expression. Probably wondering what's going through my head.

"What's up pretty girl?" She cooed to me as she changed her seating position facing me.

" Nothing much just thinking" I replied returning the smug look.


Her body scooted closer to the table as her elbows rested on the table.

"Us. Mainly you tho" I replied.

" Me? What about me."

How much I want you to wreck me mostly.

" I'm just admiring you bil, can I not admire my beautiful girlfriend of almost 3 years?"

" 7 hours" she said as her face started to also turn colors.

" Yes indeed"

We sorta got lost in each other's eyes after that. How could I have something so beautifully kind and sweet with a generous heart. She's always tooken care of me.


For the past two years and 364 days she's always tooken care of me. From the moment we meet at my fuck ass job till now. The love I've received from her is something I can't put into words. Yes we've had our ups and downs but every single couple have and we're no different. Our love overrules any negativity we've ever had. That's my rock man.

That's probably why I have this big ass rock burning a hole in my pocket. It's something I've been saving up for for almost a year. I've been knew that this was meant to be and im ready to take that leap in life. I mean she's everything I want in life as a person and plus that ass is la fat. So it's truly a win win.

" I truly can't believe we've been together for that long. It doesn't even feel like it."

" Time flys when your having fun babygirl"

Just a lil snip. I haven't forgotten <3

 In My Head. [Billie E.]Where stories live. Discover now