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Aloes POV

It's been literally a whole day sense bil left. Well a little over 12 hours. I haven't moved from this room sense. Everything is the same nothing moved except my body which is now under the covers.

As we all know I'm not fucking good with my emotions so I've just been laying here trying not to think about it to much.
I mean I sorta get why she's upset. To be honest I'm upset with myself. Nobody forced me to do it. I did it willingly. I knew how she felt about it and I completely ignored it. I completely ignored her.

I decided to call her a few times but no answer, after a few rings it would go to her voicemail.

I'm so so sorry. Please come home baby. Please.

I needed to tell her what was going through my head, I'm so bad at that. It's completely ass the way I can't open up about my feelings but feel the need for everyone to open up to me. Honestly what the actual fuck. I literally fuck everything up. Everything.

I felt a single tear stream down my face,and that's when I decided to just sleep the sadness away.

I woke up slightly feeling a dip being created in my bed. I felt lips press on my cheek
while fingers stroked my hair. My body turned shifting into her.

" I'm sorr- Sh sh it's okay we'll talk about it in the morning. Go back to sleep."

I felt her lips press onto my forehead. I squeezed further into her resting my head on her brest. All time favorite spot to rest my head on. Titties are fyre. I don't give a fuck what anyone think. I felt another tear come down as I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of...waffles?

I turned noticing that bil wasn't there anymore. I groggily got out of my bed making my way(downtown) downstairs turning to see her facing the waffle maker.

My heavy footed ass walked into the kitchen scratching my scalped confused as the fuck. I thought she was mad at me so why the fuck is she making waffles. My favorite breakfast food. Especially the ones her mom taught her to make. Best mugs in the world and vegan. I said how the actual fuck.

"good morning baby"

" hi?" I said sorta scared sitting in a chair by the table.

I sat there contemplating on why the fuck she's making me waffles when she literally walked out on me just yesterday.

One conclusion.

She's tryna kill me.

I know I'm always saying this shit but bruh I swear she gonna kill me one day. Like she's to damn sweet bruh..and you know what they say about nice ass people...ima die. I'm not gonna eat the waffles as good as they look hell nah. I looked around to see if there was any type of pesticide or Bottles with an scull on them. Nothing. Still not gonna eat the shit.

" Did you want chocolate drizzle or regular syrup."


"you want them dry? Nasty ass."

No I just don't want to die, also am I missing something?

"apples or watermelon?"

" I'm black what do you think?"

She chuckled handing me apple juice.

" aye you never know. Plus that's very stereotypical baby. That's like asking me weed or heroine then automatically giving me heroine."

I literally choked spitting out the juice that was in my mouth.

Never did she just say that.

I got up getting the cleaning supplies to clean up my lil spray bottle ass.

"sit down you can clean that after we talk" she placed the plates on the table.

I was sorta scared to continue cleaning so guess what I did?

Sat my ass down.

She's way to calm bruh.

She started to eat her waffles but look I wasn't taking any chances. I just decided to start eating my watermelon as the tension in the room built.
She kept staring at me eating she would open her mouth a few times like she was gonna speak then she would just not say anything.

"so I guess I'll start. I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you like that, nor should I have gotten that angry at you after the whole Alex thing. I jumped to the conclusion that you were doing it to impress her or whatever..because I was jealous..." she said lowly especially that last part.

I smirked laughing a little.

"... I had to realize that you were still going to go over your limit sometimes.."

She took a deep breath.

"... shit I don't know. I just stress on how much I hate that shit you know, and it really hurts when you didn't even think about me before doing it I guess. I just sorta spazzed and left. Then you got big bad ass Alex who is probably everything you want-

"Fuck nah baby. Yeah she's attractive, and isn't the best role model, but trust and believe I don't want none of that, and I mean none of it. She honestly reminds me of my old self and I'm not tryna take care of that, shit I don't even get how you taking care of me,because god damn I am something. I'm sorry I didn't think of your feelings..well I did I just ignored them if I'm being honest and before you yell I'm sorry for that. You don't have to worry about her I don't want her at all I put that on everything. All I want is you. I wouldn't have achieved this much growth without you so,I don't want any other female male cat dog rat roach haha in my life the way I have you. Don't forget that."

Her cheeks were all red and rosey. Lil blushy ass. We sorta just sat there all cute and shit admiring each other smiling and shit like some whipped ass motherfuckers.
I hope y'all good babies?

I- how y'all want Loe to lose her virginity?

 In My Head. [Billie E.]Where stories live. Discover now