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Aloes POV

" BRO you need to quit with this shit."

I heard shouted out at me from my bathroom. I wasn't really focusing on what she was talking about at the moment, to focused on the essay that was literally due in 2 hours.

Yeah I don't like fucking school. So I do all my work last minute at home so I won't be broke on the streets for the rest of my fucking life. So I somehow do the shit.

"Do you see all of this?"

She popped out pointing to the damage I've done to her body.

(Abuse cough cough jp back to the story.)

"Shit. Then don't distract me, and shit like that won't happen." I didn't even bother to look up from my laptop still typing away.

"how the fuck do I distract you?"

I know she didn't just ask that. I halted in my typing looking up admiring her features. Everything from the eyes to the toes. How does she not se how beautiful she is.

"You just don't get it huh?"

"get what? That I'm the shit. Been knew."

That response caused me to shut my screen tossing my laptop off into the distance somewhere. At this point fuck the essay I'll get it done. Eventually.

" Shut the fuck upp. Did you know the fact that anytime you're here you're a distraction. Look you're my Bella to Edward. Yes I'm using twilight cuz that shit slap and I'm not gonna hear nun about it after this. You're the only thing that's driving me to be a do what I want. Like do you seriously think that I would be doing this well mentally and physically if it wasnt for you. I'm out here doing sports and shit, and we know I don't fuck with running. Everything I do I do for you. You standing here not doing shit is distracting me. You're like my new drug. The thing that keeps me from losing my fucking mind bruh. I'm in love with your cocky as. Like fate is a son of a bitch for giving me someone like you. Honestly you don't know what you mean to me. I am deeply and utterly in love with you, and to be honest most likely forever will be."

Soon after not getting a reply and just an intense stare with her mouth open I grabbed my laptop proof reading what I started while fixing my bun and nerd glasses.

She calls them nerd glasses because apparently I look like a fucking nerd. Woulda never thought of that huh?

Once I realized she was still in utter shock and hadn't move. I started getting a lil worried.

" Bil- I'm in love with you're mean ass too."

I mean I assume she would be. Look at me. Nah I'm just joking.

" I would assume th-"

My sentence got interrupted my lips pressing against me. Them soft ass lips man. Soft like laying in a fat ass soft. Every time I feel as tho our souls connect, and shit.

I felt buzzing under me repeatedly. Like it wouldn't stop.

I broke away from the kiss reaching down to see what my phone was on.

 In My Head. [Billie E.]Where stories live. Discover now