Flooded Streets

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Oh shit. Would he never stop running into this guy?

"I'm fine. Just walkin' home," Harry stuttered as if he'd been caught out doing something illegal.

"Get in the car. You're wetter than someone that's been doused by a whale at Sea World."

"No," replied Harry. "You made it clear the last two times I saw you that you don't want me company."

"I didn't say that," Louis grumbled.

"You said you didn't want any friends, or sommat like that."

"I don't care what I said. Get in the bloody car!"

"No! I won't . . . infringe on you."

Louis leaned over, and quick as greased lightning, he grabbed Harry's wrist as he rested his hand on the door frame and yanked him inside. Harry landed on his belly, stunned and gobsmacked that Louis would be so gutsy.

"All the way in!" Louis commanded even as Harry struggled to wriggle inside, still on his belly and floundering like a fish out of water. He grabbed Louis' arm to steady himself and hauled his long legs and then his feet onto the floorboard, crawling up onto the seat, abashed, with bright red stains on his cheeks that Louis could see in the glow cast by the interior light.

It only made his face more appealing. God, he'd forgotten how stunning he was. Damn it! Louis inhaled laboriously as, suddenly, there didn't seem to be enough air in the car. Harry's influence on him was immense and sweeping.

"Your car! Your classic car! I'll get it all wet!"

"It'll be alright. Sit on that towel," Louis pointed to the backseat, and Harry leaned back and grasped the towel, stuffing it under his butt. He was shivering quite badly.

"How long you been out there?"

"I dunno. Maybe half an hour," Harry answered weakly, teeth chattering audibly.

Louis sighed in that impatient way of his. "Way too long. You're chilled." Louis turned his heater up to full blast and Harry leaned forward, holding his hands up to the vents.

"What were you doin' out there on a night like this, anyway?"

"It's complicated."

"I have time," Louis said simply, just assuming Harry would tell him. And here Harry had been worried about prying into Louis' business! Louis didn't seem to hesitate in trying to find out Harry's business.

But since Louis had picked him up and forced him inside, Harry reckoned he owed him an explanation.

"Had a fall-out with me band. Big argument. I walked out."

Louis was silenced, but only for a few seconds.

"What happened?"

"Like I said, it's complicated. We disagreed, again, about the music, and I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out."

"You mean, for tonight, right? Not for good?"

"For good."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm serious alright. It's been goin' on a proper long time, and I can't hack it any more. I'm outta the band."

"How far did you walk?"

"I dunno. A mile or so."

Louis just shook his head in wonder. So Harry wasn't all sunshine and rainbows all of the time. He'd spoken up for himself and acted on it. Louis admired that. Harry had just risen a peg in his estimation.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now