Former Lover

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Louis had been alarmed when Harry had left. He hadn't expected it. His sprawl on the couch only lasted about five minutes. Then he was backing the Mustang out of the garage. He might have spun his tires once out of the driveway—he wasn't sure.

It didn't take him but a few seconds to guess where Harry might have gone. Had probably gone. He pointed the Mustang in the direction of the dog park.

It was no surprise to see the Rover parked in front, at the curb. Getting out of the car, what did he see? Harry sitting there, but he wasn't alone. It took him about two more seconds to determine the golden brown haired girl was Brooke. What the fuck?

His jaw clenched, and he counted to ten before exiting the Mustang. He squared his shoulders and tried to muster up a shred of dignity that remained. Then he ambled up to them trying to look like he wasn't upset, although he was in a major huff. He didn't realize he really wasn't ambling-- more like marching.

"What're you on to, Styles?" He realized before he even reached them that it was a chance meeting. Of course Harry hadn't made plans to meet her. He'd just been out to dinner and a bar with Louis, and they hadn't been home even five minutes before Harry had left. It was a stupid idea anyway. He knew damn well Harry didn't feel that way about Brooke. And now he felt bad for snapping at Harry.

"Just sat here, talkin' to Brooke," Harry said rather lethargically. Brooke's hazel eyes narrowed, focused on Louis, and they were blazing.

"Calm down, Louis!" she demanded. "He's not on to anything," her voice carried a rather strong hint of sarcasm.

"Why'd you leave like that?" Louis' full attention was on Harry again as he maintained his cave man attitude. Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Because you were bein' an arse," Harry repeated the word he'd said earlier, and Louis wanted to giggle in the worst way. It sounded funny coming off Harry's lips. "I don't know why you're trippin.''

"And I suppose you told Brooke what happened?"

A loud pfft came from Brooke. Louis then knew for sure Harry had told her.

"Well I don't exactly have anyone else to talk to!"

He was right. Louis reminded himself Harry had no family, and no friends except for himself. Of course he'd need to vent to someone. And what harm would it do to tell Brooke? From what Louis could tell, Brooke was on their side. She liked the idea of them together. So he had no right, none whatsoever, to be in the state he was.

"Sit down, Lou. Take a chill pill," advised Brooke, her voice firm. "And by the way, you're smokin' too! I was telling Harry a minute ago how good he looks all cleaned up. You two must've caused a stir tonight!"

Louis' heart warmed just a little at the fact that Brooke was trying to smooth things over between them. But he didn't sit down. He stood there awkwardly, preferring his superior position above them.

"If you won't sit down, why don't you two go home and talk about it? It's no one's business but the two of you . . . even though I might be a bit on the nosy side," she laughed.

She was so casual and light about it, and she succeeded in easing the tension in the air considerably.

But it didn't last long.

"I can't see why you can't just answer me question!" Harry was wound tight as he directed this to Louis. "You've done it twice now!"

"Really, Harry. Let's not advertise your question to the world!" even though Brooke was the only one who could hear them. Those in the dog park were all too far away and busy with their dogs.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now