Gay Bar Adventure

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As gently as he could, Louis tried to explain why getting up close and personal here at the creek in the mountains was not the best idea. Louis was meanwhile thinking to himself that nowhere but at home would do, as Harry needed extra attention and loving, considering his past. Louis didn't want to be distracted by anything else.

In the future, after they were confident in each other sexually, Louis wouldn't mind it at all if they practiced a little bit of risky sex. Louis, in fact, had been known to fantasize about both exhibitionism and voyeurism. But he also knew you had to be very careful in public or semi-public, and Harry had his mind on one thing only--and that was Louis.

Yep, good way to get arrested. That would be nothing but more trauma for Harry, and they didn't need that. They had to exercise a little prudence. He could see a carefree Harry getting them into all sorts of trouble by letting his desire rule him. The no-restraints way Harry kissed him was very telling. His hunch about Harry being potentially very free-spirited was almost certainly accurate. He made Louis' mind churn with endless possibilities.

It made him sweat with the thought of some of the things they could do--discreetly, and not so discreetly. Harry's kisses had staggered him. They were astonishingly sensual. Before, he would have bet his bottom dollar that Harry would be inhibited and shy, but those kisses told him a different story. Harry had a massive amount of lust bundled up inside him. It almost blinded Louis with want, with need. Because Louis was the same way. The exact same way.

Louis got through to Harry with no hard feelings or grudges. Harry's face was an open book, and Louis could tell he got it.

After kissing for most of the next hour, and getting so amorous that they could hardly see straight, they packed up and headed home. Louis didn't know Harry had more he wanted to talk about and discover about Louis until later that night.

After dinner, they stood side by side washing and drying dishes, Louis trying to ignore his lingering wanton feelings.

"That chicken marsala was scrumptious," declared Louis.

"Thank you. I love chicken, and when I found out you did too, I was even more excited about cookin' for you."

Later, sitting on the couch, ankles entwined, and Harry leaning into him heavily, Louis felt quite satisfied and peacefully content.

"Do you mind tellin' me about how you met guys before me?" asked Harry out of the blue. Well, that was called getting right to the point! Just another of Harry's charms.

"Oh, mostly randomly. Grocery store, gas station, post office, a few times in a gay bar—things like that."

Harry was right on that like a dog on a bone. "Gay bars? You went to them?" he asked, clearly infatuated.


"What's it like, a gay bar?"

"Harold, are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Sure. Tell me all about it."

"Well, it's a bar only for gay guys—the kind I used to go to now and then. No girls, just guys. It's a very different atmosphere, hard to describe. Jam packed with guys on the make. And they're pretty aggressive. You have to be on your toes."

"I've never been anywhere like that," Harry's creased brow said he was pondering it.

"Curious, are you?"

"Well . . . yeah, kinda. Would you take me to one sometime?"

Now this Louis hadn't expected at all. Not from Harry. He frankly didn't know how to answer.

A Walk in the Park--Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now